Reichel-Poly Gastric Resection

Reichel Polya Resection (R.P.R.) of the stomach is a surgical procedure that was developed in the 1920s and is used to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers. It involves removing the part of the stomach affected by the ulcer and creating a new channel for food to pass through.

The procedure was named after the two surgeons who developed it, Reichel and Polya. Reichel was a German surgeon who worked in Germany, and Polia was a Hungarian surgeon who worked in Hungary.

Operation R.P.R. performed through a small incision in the patient's abdomen. After this, the part of the stomach affected by the ulcer is removed, as well as the part of the duodenum that connects to the stomach. A new passage for food is then created and connected to the small intestine.

After surgery, the patient must follow a special diet and take medications to prevent the ulcer from recurring. Operation R.P.R. It is usually performed under general anesthesia and takes about two hours.

Reichel - Polya resection of the gastric tract (English: “Reichel-Polya gastric surgery”) is a surgical procedure during which resection of the upper third of the stomach (the upper part of the duodenum), as well as parts of the stomach and pancreas, is performed. This operation consists of removing the entire volume of the upper stomach, including the cardia and adjacent areas in the formation of the stomach. The surgical technique is highly variable due to the variability of human anatomy. In the classic version, it is performed from a median transverse approach through the anterior abdominal wall and in the pelvis. In this case, all the contents of all parts of the stomach are completely removed from the abdominal cavity. The size of the removed zone of the gastric wall is determined based on medical monitoring readings that determine the location of cancer formation. Usually they operate by taking a small circle around the affected area as a guide. At the end of the manipulations, the neoplasm is sent for histological analysis to clarify the type of pathology. If necessary, palliative surgery is performed to stabilize the process. The condition of the body is monitored through gastroscopy every three months for 2 or 3 years. Normal location of the stomach. The dotted lines show the intersection of the stomach with the organs located in front of it. Viden