Reina-Sabbarow Wednesday

Reina-Sabbarow medium is a nutrient medium used for the cultivation and isolation of the causative agents of typhoid fever, dysentery and some other bacterial infections.

This environment is named after two scientists - Rhine and Sabbarow. Nathan Rein was an early 20th century German microbiologist and infectious disease specialist who made major contributions to the study of typhoid fever. Jon Sabbarow was an American bacteriologist in the first half of the 20th century who worked on selective media for the isolation of Salmonella typhi.

The basis of the Reina-Sabbarow medium is peptone, calf spleen extract and lactose. These components enable the growth of many types of pathogenic enterobacteria, including Salmonella. To suppress the accompanying microflora, the medium contains bile salts and brilliant green. The growth of Salmonella is weakly inhibited, while many other bacteria are sensitive. This allows selective isolation of Salmonella.

Thus, the Rhine-Sabbarow medium is differential diagnostic and is widely used in microbiological laboratories to identify pathogens of typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever and other salmonellosis.

Reina Sabbarow – Wednesday


Rein Saubraou are a Wednesday people living in the tropical forests of South America. They are distinguished from other tribes by their unique cultural heritage and traditions, which are passed on from generation to generation. The Reina-Subbaru are people who live in the forests near the Amazon. They have their own language and culture that reflect their traditions and customs. In this article we will talk about what the Reina-Subbaru environment is and what features distinguish them from other peoples of the world.

Traditions and culture of Reina Subbaru

The culture of Reina Subbaru was formed under the influence of many factors, including the surrounding nature and the culture of the Indians who lived on their territory. But one of the most important is the proximity to the Spaniards in the 16th and 17th centuries. Contact with Europeans led to the Indians incorporating many aspects of European culture into their traditions.

One of the hallmarks of the Reina Subburu cultural environment is dance. These dances play an important role in their culture and rituals. Dance motifs and rhythms reflect the psychological state of the participants and convey information about their emotions and feelings. Another important element of culture is lifestyle