
Reclinators are special orthopedic products that are used to correct posture and reduce pain in the back and shoulders. They are special devices that fix the shoulders in the correct position and reduce the load on the spine. Reclinators can be of various sizes, shapes and materials and are selected individually for each patient depending on his condition and needs.

The USA is one of the leaders in the world medicine and pharmaceutical industry. In this case, we will look at the American version of the recliner – DeRoyal. All sports fans know this company.

DeRoyal is a world-famous brand that began its activities back in 1984. The manufacturer positions its products as reliable and high-quality, which is confirmed by many customer reviews. The DeRoyal brand is a symbol of sports medicine and orthopedics, and is also known for its innovative technologies. Like most companies, DeRoyal is owned by Metro Group, one of the largest medical device manufacturers in the world. The main advantages of DeRoyal products: + the presence of expert evidence of the effectiveness of treatment (clinical studies, FDA certificates); + use of modern technologies, for example, innovations in the field of processing and protection of product surfaces; + original design; + intuitive controls; After using the DeRoyal reclinator, clients typically report a noticeable reduction in back pain, improved posture and increased self-confidence. They also note the convenience and comfort of using the product. Plus, DeRoyal recliners often make great gifts.