
Reconvalescence is the process of complete recovery from illness or injury, which occurs as a result of restoration of the physiological and psychological functions of the body. This concept is often used in medicine, but its meaning is also relevant in other areas of life where health is a key factor in success. Let's take a closer look at the convalescent approach in our lives.

Definition of the concept. Convalescent is a person who has fully recovered from a serious infection, injury or other illness. This is a condition when the body copes with its functions on its own and does not require medical intervention. Convalescents are able to return to normal life and perform their daily activities without any complications. Here are a few main characteristics of convalescence for a more precise understanding: - Convalescence has reduced fatigue and dulled pain. Their muscles become toned and their skin becomes less pale.

The normalization of the reconvexent’s condition is very noticeable to those around him: most symptoms disappear almost immediately, ranging from loss of strength to pain. Every day the patient feels better and is ready for active life. Even if rehabilitation is carried out for a very long time, in a few weeks convexity is able to return to the usual routine of life and work. Treatment of convalescents is as important a task as treatment of patients with serious infectious diseases such as HIV or hepatitis. During convalescence, the human body is weakened, so any new disease can be fatal. For patients with certain viral infections, immunotherapy courses are provided in special

Convalescence is the restoration of health after a serious illness or surgery. It involves a process that leads to restoration of strength and fitness. Reconvalescence involves exercises to improve neuromuscular function, which often includes cardiac rehabilitation, which uses low-intensity aerobic exercise to warm up the entire body. Neurological movements and bionic devices can be used to restore motor function and balance. Ureplexes Work with