
Recurvation is a term used in medicine and means the process of changing the shape or structure of an organ or tissue as a result of pathological processes. Recurvation can be caused by various reasons, such as trauma, infection, tumors, and hereditary diseases.

One example of recurvation is spinal curvature, which can be caused by various factors, such as incorrect posture, incorrect body position during sleep, insufficient physical activity, etc. Spinal curvature can lead to various problems, such as back pain, limited mobility, and even disruption of internal organs.

Another example of recurvation would be a change in the shape of the eye or ear due to tumors or infections. In this case, recurvation leads to impaired vision and hearing, as well as other health problems.

Overall, recurvation is a serious problem that can lead to serious health consequences. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your health and consult a doctor at the first signs of recurvation.

Recurvation is a comprehensive rehabilitation that includes correction of musculoskeletal functions, physical therapy, breathing exercises, all types of massages, physiotherapeutic procedures and special complexes. This method of treating patients with various diseases has long proven itself to be the most effective. Conducts