X-ray cervicohysterography

X-ray cercohistography is a radiation diagnostic method that is used to visualize a woman’s cervix, ovaries and uterus. It is one of the most common methods for studying the reproductive system.

The X-ray cercohystrography method is based on the use of X-rays that pass through a woman’s body and create images of her reproductive organs. During the examination, the woman is in a special position on the table, and the radiologist takes pictures in various projections.

One of the advantages of X-ray cercography is its safety. Thus, it can be used for the diagnosis and treatment of various gynecological diseases such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts. Also, x-rays of the uterus and cervix are used to monitor the effectiveness of chemotherapy and after surgical interventions in this area.

In addition, X-ray cercomata is very informative in the study of neoplasms in the female genital organs. The doctor may detect the presence of cysts, tumors, inflammation, or developmental disorders of the uterus and cervix. In addition, the X-ray cercomiograph method allows you to diagnose various abnormalities of the genital organs, such as malformations of the genital organs and abnormal placement of the genital organs.

Despite all the advantages, X-ray examination is an invasive diagnostic method. It can cause pain and discomfort during implementation and has some contraindications. For example, X-rays of the cervix are prohibited for women during pregnancy and menstruation. In addition, X-ray examination never replaces an in-person examination and consultation with a doctor.

X-ray cercohystergraphy is a medical diagnostic method that is used to study female organs. This method allows you to obtain information about the condition of the cervix, vaginal walls and other tissues of the pelvic organs.

The method is based on the use of X-rays, which allow you to see internal organs and their structure. X-ray examination is carried out in