Replacement therapy

Replacement therapy is a type of therapy that involves introducing into the body a substance whose natural production in the body is reduced or stopped.

The goal of replacement therapy is to compensate for the deficiency or absence of any substance necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It may be a hormone, enzyme, vitamin, mineral or other biologically active compound.

Replacement therapy is used for various diseases and pathological conditions accompanied by a decrease in the production of certain substances:

  1. For diabetes mellitus, insulin replacement therapy is carried out, since the pancreas does not produce it in sufficient quantities.

  2. In case of insufficiency of thyroid function, thyroid hormones are prescribed.

  3. For bleeding disorders, the necessary clotting factors are administered.

  4. If there is a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, their replacement therapy is used.

Thus, replacement therapy allows you to compensate for the lack of substances vital to the body and prevent the development of deficiency symptoms and complications. It is an important component in the treatment of many diseases.

Replacement therapy There are several types of replacement therapy, the main of which are: 1. Food therapy: the introduction into the body of foods that are missing for some reason. It is used mainly for nutritional disorders, i.e. in the treatment of various dystrophies. 2. Water therapy: adding drinking water to basic hemodialysis regimens in order to improve their tolerability and effectiveness. Recommended amount is 1 l/day (sometimes up to 5 l) for 3 sessions. During the session - 500-100 ml of liquid. Treatment is carried out in a pressure chamber where oxygen is supplied. It should not be carried out during asthma attacks. Procedures can be carried out daily or every other day. Possible side effects and contraindications. The increase in volume is introduced gradually, under the control of pulse, pressure and electrolyte composition of the blood. In 4 weeks, the volume of added liquid increases only by half, since the previous water can only drain in 1-1.5 months, which requires even more time for recovery. With an unbalanced diet, the procedure is carried out daily, and with a regular and rich diet - once a week. Water therapy is prohibited in case of acute cardiac ischemia, clear cerebrovascular accident, severe damage to the liver and kidneys, diseases of the respiratory system during an exacerbation, bleeding. 3. Phenomenal therapy: replacement administration of pharmaceuticals (usually glucocorticoids) intended specifically for intracellular modification. Can be used for acute external nonspecific