Ciliary Processes [Processus Ciliares, Pna, Bna; Processus (Ciliares) Majores, Jna; Syn. Ciliary Process]

Eyelash extensions: what are they and how do they work?

Ciliary processes, also known as ciliary processes or processus ciliares, pna, bna; processus (ciliares) majores, jna, are radial projections on the inner surface of the ciliary body of the eye. They are the attachment point for the ciliary band, which supports the lens of the eye and regulates its shape to focus light on the retina.

The ciliary processes play an important role in maintaining vision and regulating intraocular pressure. They contain many small blood vessels that supply the lens and other structures of the eye with essential nutrients and oxygen.

In addition, the ciliary processes are involved in the production of aqueous humor, which fills the anterior chamber of the eye and maintains its shape. This fluid is constantly processed and released through the ciliary edge of the eye.

Some diseases, such as glaucoma, may be associated with defects in the ciliary processes. With glaucoma, intraocular pressure increases, which can lead to damage to the optic nerve and loss of vision. The eyelashes can also be affected by other eye conditions such as cataracts and inflammation.

In conclusion, eyelashes play an important role in vision and maintaining eye health. If you experience any vision problems, you should consult an ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment.

The process of formation of ciliary processes is an important and complex phenomenon in the development of the human eye. The ciliary processes are radial in shape and form a lattice-like structure on the inner surface of the posterior segment of the eye - the so-called ciliary body. This process is the result of continuous interaction between various cells and tissues of the eye. In this article we will look at the functions, structure and development