Retinitis Circular

Circular retinitis is a type of retinopathy that affects the retina of the eye and leads to decreased vision. This is a rare disease that most often occurs in people between 40 and 50 years of age. Orbicularis retinitis is characterized by swelling and deposition of white matter in the layer of the retina between the photoreceptors and neurons. As a result of this process, a loss of sensitivity to light occurs and defects in color perception appear.

The causes of retinitis of the circle are unknown, but there are suggestions that it may be due to genetic factors, hormonal changes or a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. In some patients, the disease occurs after injury to the eye or damage to the retinal vessels due to diabetes. Retinitis varies in shape (ring, punctate, foot) and severity (mild, moderate, severe).

Symptoms of orbital retinata may include blurred vision at night or before bed, decreased color vision abilities, difficulty focusing on objects in the distance, and dim brightness around an object when the head moves. Some patients may also experience eye discomfort and headaches.

To diagnose ring retinitis, an ophthalmological examination is performed, which includes determining acute