Retinoic peeling indications for use

Visitors to beauty salons who decide to undergo thorough exfoliation will certainly want to know the contraindications for retinoic peeling, because this procedure is not suitable for everyone. Although this service solves multiple skin problems, it is still a chemical exfoliant, the main component of which is retinoic acid. For this reason, it will be completely useful to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for the procedure.

Principle of action and effectiveness of retinoic peeling

Retinoic (yellow) peeling is a method of cleansing the surface of the face, which not only exfoliates dead particles of the epidermis. Additionally, such exfoliation allows you to correct the imperfections of aging skin, whiten the skin and restore it.

A special feature of this popular technique is the soft and delicate effect of the chemical composition on the patient’s skin. The basic component of this peeling is retinoic acid or retinol. When these substances enter the skin cells, they activate internal processes. In this case, the degree of injury to the integument is minimized.

If the base component of the peel is retinol, the procedure will be called retinoic peeling. If cleansing is done with retinol, the peeling will accordingly be called retinol.

Retinoic peeling Retinol peeling
Powerful deep cleansing, long-lasting recovery. Suitable for cases where the integument is thick and rough. It is most often used after 30 years. Deep but gentle cleansing. There is no peeling stage, short recovery period. This type of peeling is suitable for any skin type.
It is carried out in salons by specialist cosmetologists, the whole process takes about 3 hours. Can remain on the face from 20 minutes to several hours, depending on the intended end result.
The basic component is a synthetic analogue of vitamin A called retinoic acid. Its effect is considered stronger than retinol. It is based on a natural component - vitamin A. It does not penetrate deep into the skin, unlike acid. The effectiveness of such exfoliation is somewhat lower than that of its synthetic analogue.

An additional advantage of peeling with retinic acid or retinol is the short period of subsequent rehabilitation. Although this kind of peeling is classified as medium-deep, peeling of the skin after its use lasts only 3-6 days. The procedure also has a minimal risk of complications.

Retinoic peeling is recommended for mature skin (patients are 35-40 years old). For younger dermis, such exfoliation will be relevant only if there are dermatological problems.

This is interesting. Yellow retinoic peel is also called a weekend peel. And all because typical peeling consequences (such as facial swelling, redness and peeling) often go away very quickly, literally in a matter of days. You will still have to take a day off to perform yellow exfoliation, despite its gentle effect. After all, a frankly yellow complexion that persists for several hours after the procedure is not conducive to visiting public places.

Indications for use

The use of the yellow peeling procedure is recommended for a number of facial skin problems (both dermatological - acne, blackheads, pimples, etc., and age-related - wrinkles, creases, hyperpigmentation, etc.).

Key indications for retinoic facial peeling:

  1. facial wrinkles, creases;
  2. hyperpigmentation;
  3. keratosis;
  4. excessive functionality of the sebaceous glands;
  5. acne and post-acne;
  6. signs of photoaging;
  7. aging of the skin, its age-related changes.
  8. low skin elasticity and firmness.

Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindications to retinoic peeling are:

  1. The period of planning conception, months of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. Chronic or inflammatory skin diseases.
  3. Warts, papillomas, burns, wounds and abrasions on the face.
  4. Photosensitivity or recent tanning.
  5. Taking retinoid drugs or a number of other medications.
  6. Allergy to peeling components.

Also, in some cases, complications and side effects can be expected from this type of exfoliation, such as:

  1. moderate hyperemia;
  2. peeling (can be quite active);
  3. swelling of the face;
  4. formation of crusts in areas exposed to exfoliant.

Types of retinoic peeling

In cosmetology, the following types of retinoic peeling for facial skin are distinguished:

  1. One-day. The procedure does not require more than one day. The peeling mask is washed off 12 hours after application. This option is suitable for clients who do not have the opportunity to undergo retinoic peeling courses.

For your information. The one-day version of retinoic peeling is convenient and effective, however, it should be noted that the face will remain yellow for 12 hours before washing off the composition.

  1. Two-day – exfoliation is carried out for 2 days in a row. The cosmetologist works the client’s face with a peeling composition 2-3 times, washing off the previous layer before each application. The client washes off the last mask independently 2 hours after application. The next day the procedure is repeated completely.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

In order for the results from yellow exfoliation to be as high as possible, the main features of peeling and post-peel care should be taken into account. Leading cosmetologists advise following a number of recommendations for retinoic peeling:

  1. Pre-peeling preparation. It should be started several weeks before yellow exfoliation. It consists of the following steps:
  1. Undergoing appropriate examinations to identify possible contraindications.
  2. Carrying out an allergy test.
  3. Daily skin care using cosmetics containing fruit acids.
  4. Patients suffering from dry skin are first recommended to undergo mesotherapy or biorevitalization.
  5. Clients prone to herpes rashes may be prescribed antiherpes therapy.
  6. A few weeks before exfoliation, you should avoid visiting the solarium and avoid sunbathing.
  1. The actual peeling stage. The peculiarity of yellow peeling is that the client must wash off the composition of the face independently at home. After applying the exfoliant, the esthetician gives the client specific instructions regarding the time to remove the peel from the face. At the indicated hour, the composition is washed off with water and neutral, fragrance-free soap. Your face will most likely have a red tint after washing. This indicates a normal skin reaction to retinoic peeling. In this case, Bepanten or Panthenol ointment should be applied to the skin with maximum care.
  2. Rehabilitation period. Often, peeling after yellow peeling is a fairly typical facial reaction. In addition, in the first 2-3 days, symptoms such as swelling of the eyelids, chills, or even fever may be observed. Swelling and redness usually disappear on the 3rd day, followed by a stage of active peeling, which stops on the 5-7th day. At this time, it is under no circumstances recommended to peel off layers of skin yourself. Additionally, moisturizers should be applied to the surface of the face (their list can be checked with a cosmetologist). At the end of the rehabilitation period, the client can enjoy the appearance of renewed, clean, refreshed skin.


Retinol facial peeling is a modern cosmetic procedure based on the main component - vitamin A (natural or synthetic analogues). This procedure has a huge number of advantages with minimal contraindications and possible side effects. Yellow peeling is given to clients who have crossed the 35-year mark (earlier use is only relevant if there are dermatological problems). During pre-peeling and post-peeling preparation, all recommendations of the cosmetologist should be taken into account and followed. Under this condition, the result of the applied peeling will be as effective as possible.

Retinoic peeling is suitable for both old and young, women and men. Every person often thinks about the beauty of his face. Everyone in their apartment has at least one mirror, and when almost every person gets up in the morning, the first thing they do is look into it to see their reflection. Many in our age of speed and high technology often decide to change their appearance, naturally pursuing the goal of exclusively improving their appearance, turning to plastic surgery to qualitatively change their face. Basically, plastic surgeons make morphological changes in appearance, which at the end of the operation makes the patient happy or saddens him, not meeting his expectations. Not everyone decides to undergo surgery.

Human skin

Each face is an individual business card of a person at any age. The facial skin is the most sensitive to the environment, vulnerable to infections, and more often than other parts of the body undergo degeneration and a change in the outer layers of the epidermis.

The skin of the face is the oiliest part of the human skin. It is here that the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands is most pronounced due to the fact that the face is always the most open part of the body. Caring for it must be special. There are many products and salon treatments, such as retinol peeling, thanks to which the dead cells of the skin tissue are exfoliated, the natural color of the skin is restored, the pores are narrowed, and the secretory secretions from the sebaceous glands are reduced.

The area from the bridge of the nose to the nasolabial fold is called the “triangle of death” in surgery, which in itself should warn a person against being careless with his face, especially in this area. Here is the most vulnerable skin, the most vital organs connected directly to the brain.

Existing types of peeling

Peeling is not a simple cleansing of the facial skin, which can easily be done at home with the help of scrubs, but a procedure that is performed by specialists in professional salons.

There are several types of peeling depending on the degree of impact on the skin:

Superficial peeling is recommended for people with minor facial skin problems, for example, too enlarged pores, increased activity of the sebaceous glands, acne. Staying in the environment of megacities with increased air pollution, drinking poor quality drinking water, and lack of vitamins and microelements make the body weakened and easily vulnerable, which immediately affects the skin. Acne can be triggered by inflammatory processes that occur in women in the ovaries, and in men in the prostate gland and testicles, so the fight against problematic acne on the face must begin with the diagnosis and treatment of the reproductive system.

In general, superficial peeling is good as a weekly procedure to exfoliate dead cells and moisturize the skin, which will allow you to feel the “breathing” of the skin and give freshness to your face.

Medium peeling is more suitable for middle-aged people; it allows you to smooth out wrinkles and acne cavities. The effect occurs on the second layer of the dermis, dissolving the outer one. This procedure should only be performed by specialists so as not to harm the blood vessels of the face.

Deep peeling involves correction of the pores of the dermis; various types of masks are used that affect micropores and blood vessels.

Deep facial peeling is not recommended before age 30.

But there are many ways to influence the skin using peeling, here are the most common of them:

  1. fruit;
  2. ultrasonic;
  3. physical;
  4. chemical;
  5. laser;
  6. mechanical;
  7. diamond;
  8. silicic;
  9. clay;
  10. salty

Retinoic facial peeling

Retinoic peeling is a unique facial skin cleansing procedure. It is ideal for skin of all age groups. It can be carried out both at a young age and in old age. Retinoic peeling has a surprising advantage over others: it is painless and does not require the administration of painkillers, which are sometimes used for various types of peeling. Retinoic peeling effectively solves the problem of aging skin; its application area is wide: face, neck, hands, décolleté. The name retinoic peeling speaks for itself - it uses retinoic acid.

Yellow peeling is a procedure for mature skin. Age of possible clients: from 35 to 50 years. For those who have not yet reached the age of 35, retinoic peeling will be useful only if there are serious defects on the skin.

Indications for retinoic peeling may vary, but the most important of them are skin aging, age spots, small scars and the effects of acne.

Retinoic peeling is carried out in the same way as regular peeling, which will result in effective cleansing of the facial skin from dead cells, stimulation of the rapid growth of new skin, which, due to its “youth”, will give the face a fresh look and healthy coloring. Retinoic peeling has a beneficial effect on the human immune system, qualitatively rejuvenates the skin, and improves blood circulation in the areas of the body involved in peeling.

Retinoic peeling procedure

Retinoic peeling is based on the use of retinoic acid containing isotretinoin, which is why the peeling is called retinoic. There is also retinol peeling, which is carried out using retinolic acid, which basically contains the active form of vitamin A, which gives the acid its most yellow tint. Therefore, in some beauty salons it is customary to call this type of procedure retinol yellow peeling. Both types are classified as yellow peels.

Many cosmetologists avoid retinoic peeling because the skin restoration process is much longer than after retinol peeling. All this suggests that it is advisable to carry out such types of peeling under the supervision of a specialist, but the cost of such a service in a beauty salon can be very high, so some people decide to carry out yellow peeling at home. Before you decide to peel yourself, you need to consult with a cosmetologist and strictly follow all his instructions at home. It is advisable not to carry out retinoic peeling alone; someone at home should monitor the client in order to detect redness of the skin in time and change the layer of the peeling mixture.

So, retinoic yellow facial peeling is carried out in beauty salons by cosmetologists. The entire procedure takes about three hours.

First, the skin is washed with warm water, the remaining water is removed with a dry cloth, then a composition with salicylic and glycolic acids is applied to cleanse the skin before the peeling itself.

After exposure to these acids, a peeling composition is applied, which is prepared by a cosmetologist from retinoic or retinolic acid and some auxiliary acids, for example, ascorbic, phytic. If the skin begins to rapidly turn red, the composition is immediately washed off with warm water and a facial skin care product is applied, for example, some nourishing cream or gel.

The acid concentration and duration of the procedure are calculated strictly individually for each client, depending on the behavior of the skin.

Retinol peeling reminds many clients of a regular facial mask; the peeling composition is applied with a wide spatula, without affecting the eyelids and areas of hair growth, eyebrows and eyelashes. The layer should be uniform and quite dense. Within 20-30 minutes, the mask hardens, hardens a little, after which it is easy to remove like a film. Skin cleansed after peeling must be lubricated with a balm or gel with an increased sun protection factor.

The retinol composition can be applied several times, it all depends on the degree of skin damage and how it responds to these acids.

Approximately on the third day after peeling, signs of peeling effects on the skin may be observed, which should not greatly frighten the client, but he should be warned about this, for example:

  1. peeling of the skin in areas affected by peeling;
  2. formation of pinkish areas;
  3. skin tightness;
  4. dry skin;
  5. mild pain;
  6. increased skin sensitivity;
  7. mild itching;
  8. slight swelling.

All these signs are natural against the background of a change in the skin and the emergence of a young dermis.

Contraindications for this peeling

As with all procedures that involve chemicals, retinoic and retinol peels have their contraindications. Firstly, it should not be planned less than a couple of weeks before some important event, since the restoration processes of the skin do not proceed so quickly and traces of a recent procedure will be visible on the face, which can confuse any person.

Result of retinoic peeling: before and after the procedure

The retinol type of peeling is not advisable for people undergoing radiation therapy, as well as for those who have contraindications to the use of various medications, for example, Aspirin, Analgin, Detralex.

Retinol peeling is prohibited for people suffering from herpes virus infection with frequent lesions on the nasolabial folds, those who have warts on the body, large acne, as well as pregnant and lactating women. In any case, in order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will explain in great detail all the indications and contraindications for this procedure.

We'll tell you what retinoic peeling is, what makes it unique, why it's called yellow, and why those who are under eighteen love it.

  1. What is retinoic peeling
  2. Types of retinoic peeling for the face
  3. How is peeling done?
  4. How to care for your skin after a retinoic peel
  5. Precautionary measures
  6. Tips and reviews from cosmetologists

What is retinoic peeling

Like any peeling, retinoic peeling is aimed at renewing the skin and improving the appearance of the skin. But it has a number of features that fundamentally distinguish it from its “colleagues”, be it acid, mechanical or hardware versions of peeling. What is its unusualness and why is it called “peeling from the inside”?

Composition and mechanism of action

The main component is retinoic acid. It stimulates the growth and proliferation of keratinocytes, accelerates cellular renewal. It also turns the product yellow. To make it easier to understand how retinoids work with skin cells, let's compare them with their main competitors - fruit acids, for example, glycolic acid. Its goal is to damage the stratum corneum of the skin, resulting in the exfoliation of old cells and their replacement with new ones. Retinoids act differently: they do not destroy anything, moreover, they do not work directly at all either with the cells of the stratum corneum or with intercellular structures.

Retinoic peel is a yellow mask © Getty Images

The target of retinoids is not the surface of the epidermis, but the deeper basal layer in which cells originate. Being small lipophilic molecules, retinoids easily reach their destination and significantly accelerate the division of keratinocytes, or, more simply, the formation of new cells. Young keratinocytes en masse begin to move upward, to the surface of the skin, and literally push out the overlying layers. Hence the effect of exfoliation and renewal.

Retinoic peeling does not destroy dead structures, but stimulates living ones by contacting cell nuclei through special receptors. Moreover, retinoic acid interacts not only with keratinocytes, but also with fibroblasts and melanocytes, improving the condition of the skin in several indicators, including density, elasticity and uniformity of pigmentation.

In addition to retinoic acid itself, the peeling preparation includes auxiliary components, mainly acids, that can enhance one or another cosmetic effect. For example:

whitening: Fetinic, kojic, azeloic acids;

exfoliation: salicylic acid;

fight against free radicals: vitamin C;

calming and anti-stress effect: allantoin, aloe and chamomile extracts.

Indications for use: who will need it and when?

The abilities of retinoic peeling are multifaceted. In addition to standard indications for peelings, including dullness, increased greasiness, uneven surface, retinoic acid works with age-related skin changes, such as:

thickening of the stratum corneum.

Therefore, the majority of fans of retinoic peeling are women who have crossed the forty-year mark.

Skin with acne (not in the inflammatory stage!) and post-acne phenomena also respond well to the effects of retinoids.


Like any peeling, retinoic peeling is done in a course. Although the result in the form of fresh, renewed, radiant, smooth skin can be noticed after the first session. The final effect depends on the number of procedures, the concentration of the chemical agent, and the peeling application regimen. As a result, you can achieve:

smoothing superficial wrinkles and reducing deep ones;

lightening or complete disappearance of age spots;

even out skin texture and tone;

skin tightening and light lifting.

How often can you do it

Types of retinoic peeling for the face

Among cosmetologists and patients, retinoic peeling is known as “Yellow Peel”. The fact is that retinoic acid, like all synthetic analogues of vitamin A, has a bright yellow or orange color - hence the name.

The composition of the peel and the concentration of the main substance vary depending on the specific preparation and manufacturer. Typically, professional Yellow Peel contains 5-10% retinoic acid.

Retinoic acid gives the peel its yellow color © Getty Images

As for the usual classification of peelings (superficial, medium, deep), in the case of retinoids it is very arbitrary. Strictly speaking, retinoic peeling cannot be superficial, since it only works in the deep basal layer of the epidermis. However, with Yellow Peel you can achieve:

medium and medium-deep peeling, renewing all layers of the epidermis.

There is a type of retinoic peeling that works only to tighten the skin turgor and does not cause peeling at all.

How is peeling done?


Two weeks before the “yellow peeling”, start using products with acids in your home care. This will help your skin clear the way for retinoids to penetrate into the deeper layers. Usually, special cosmetics are recommended by a cosmetologist. We provide examples of products that meet the requirements of pre-peeling preparation.

Two-stage peeling Visionnaire Crescendo, Lancôme consists of two parts, each of which is designed for two weeks of use. The first phase, just the preparatory phase, includes a low concentration of fruit acids and quinoa husk extract. These substances provide easy exfoliation and accustom the skin to the active action of peeling agents.

Cleansing toner for mature skin against imperfections Blemish & Age Solution, SkinCeuticals Suitable for preparing skin for salon peeling. Contains glycolic, salicylic and capryloyl-salicylic acids for gradual gentle exfoliation.

Night peeling that activates skin radiance, Idéalia, Vichy The formula contains glycolic acid 4% + Hepes 5%, as well as antioxidant blueberry extract. Renews skin and enhances its radiance with fermented black tea extract.

Carrying out the procedure

Before applying the yellow peel, the skin is cleansed and treated with an acid-based lotion to loosen the stratum corneum and facilitate the penetration of retinoic acid.

The peeling itself is a yellow cream mask, which is applied in a thin layer to the entire face (including the skin around the eyes) or to individual areas using rubbing movements. This ends the mandatory stages of the protocol - further options are possible.

Peeling can be tolerated on the face 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with a solution with neutral pH.

Maybe repeated (and repeated) application and rinsing of retinoic peeling during one session.

Another option: leave the mask on for six hours, and then the “yellow-faced” patient goes home and washes off the composition on his own.

The procedure is painless, the maximum discomfort is a slight tingling sensation and a feeling of warmth.

Retinoic peeling solves the problems of aging and young skin © Getty Images

How to care for your skin after a retinoic peel

The rehabilitation period after a procedure with a moderate effect (that is, causing active peeling and renewal of the skin) takes an average of a week.

A feeling of tightness occurs on the 2nd day.

Peeling begins on the 4th day after peeling.

Please note: superficial peeling does not cause discomfort and violent peeling, but the effect of such peeling is less expressive.

During the post-peeling period, you will need cosmetics that meet special requirements. The main one is the complete absence of acids in the composition.

Rules for skin care after peeling

Washing with gel-like products that do not contain aggressive surfactants and oils. Our recommendation - cleaning micellar gel for face and eyelids Rosaliac Gel, La Roche-Posay, , which contains hyaluronic acid in its composition, provides comfort and freshness when washing.

Care including products with the function of protecting and restoring the skin barrier. They need to be applied several times a day for 3–5 days after peeling.

Mandatory sun protection with maximum SPF.

We recommend a restorative soothing agent La Roche-Posay - Cicaplast balm SPF 50 with madecassoside for better skin regeneration and panthenol for a calming effect and restoration of the protective mantle. The solar screen and the prokerad component provide prevention of post-peeling pigmentation.

Precautionary measures

Yellow peeling reduces the skin's immunity, making it susceptible to infections. Often, an exacerbation of herpes occurs as a side effect. Usually cosmetologists prescribe special medications before peeling to prevent this reaction.

Retinoids in high concentrations cause large-plate peeling. Plus, the manifestation of retinoic dermatitis in certain areas of the skin is considered normal, which manifests itself:

Usually these troubles go away on their own after the rehabilitation period.

Tips and reviews from cosmetologists

Medical expert Vichy Elena Eliseeva believes: “Retinoic peeling is a safe and effective procedure.” Below we list its main advantages.

Relatively fast recovery period. Cosmetologists often call it a weekend procedure: if you peel on Friday, your face will return to normal by Monday.

Retinoic peeling is optimal not only for general skin renewal and rejuvenation, but also for targeted correction of hyperpigmentation.

It is carried out in a shorter course, on average 4–5 procedures are enough.

This procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation; for liver diseases; during the season of active ultraviolet radiation (and in the case of already developed tanning). Contraindications also include damage to the epidermis (due to dermatological diseases or as a result of banal squeezing of pimples).