
Retinoscopy is usually classified as an ophthalmological examination method, which is mandatory to determine the degree of development of many eye diseases in a child. In contrast to a similar study of the visual organs of adults, the diagnostic procedure for newborn children is carried out once a year and, as a rule, is not indicative. Retinography of newborns is prescribed only if the ophthalmologist suspects the following abnormalities:

Cloudiness of the cornea in a newborn baby is a cloudy, non-transparent surface of the cornea, which indicates the presence of some types of cataracts. The prognosis is favorable. The condition usually goes away on its own without any treatment;

Congenital conjunctivitis, which develops as a result of changes in the structure of tissues, including the cornea. If the baby rarely cries at birth and does not respond to light, his eyelids often remain closed even during feeding;

Amblyopia has several synonyms. Most often they say mild myopia (up to -3 D), as well as astigmatism, strabismus and microophthalmia. But this does not in any way affect the fact that visual functions will always be reduced;

Retinopathy of prematurity is a pathological condition that occurs under the influence of acute malnutrition of retinal tissue (the process of nutrition of nerve cells is disrupted).