Flavoring Substances

Flavoring (flavor) and aromatic (aromatic) substances play an important role in the flavor profile of food products. To characterize the taste of a product means to describe the totality of elementary taste sensations caused by the influence of flavoring substances on the senses. Flavors and aroma are the main factors determining the choice of food product. And also the organs of taste and smell are capable of

Perhaps the first thing worth mentioning is the definition. Flavor (flavor; English - taste; aroma) refers to the taste sensations that arise as a result of human interaction with a food product and the release of aromatic and flavoring substances. This is a smell that stimulates the appetite, requiring rapid quenching by eating food. Aromatic substances are volatile, odorous organic compounds, and flavoring (or flavoring and organic) are compounds containing sugars, acids, salts and other chemical elements.

In addition to spices, any cooked food has a taste, although it is weak. The taste of foods is characterized by various chemicals. Therefore, the concepts of “taste” and “chemical composition” should not be considered as one and the same thing.

Let's talk about the mechanism of action: There are special receptors on the tongue that are responsible for taste. They are among the sensitive ones. Inside them there is a cluster of cells. The released substances are transmitted to the brain through nerve fibers. This creates exactly the sensation that people call taste.

Introduction to the concepts of flavoring substances.

**Flavour** is a term used to describe the quality of smell or taste of food. It includes the whole range of sensations that we get when using a product and can be associated with various emotions, such as pleasure, satiety, disgust or disappointment. **Flavor substances** play an important role in creating the unique and unique taste and aroma of a product, which allows us to enjoy its taste and enjoy eating. In this article, we'll look at the main types of flavoring substances and how they affect our perception of taste.

What fleur substances are most often found in nature? Some of the most common types of flavor compounds found in foods and natural ingredients include:

1. Acids: Fatty acids, including acetic, citric, malic, tartaric and lactic acids, are responsible for the sour taste of foods. They also help create a low-acid environment, which makes some foods taste sour. 2. Alkaloids: These compounds have a bitter taste and they are commonly found in plants and animals. Many alkaloids are poisonous, so they are often used as natural pesticides or to create medicines. Some examples of alkaloids include caffeine, theobromine, quinine, nicotine, and atropine. 3. Anthrone: This is a dark red, jelly-like substance found in some fruits and vegetables. It is responsible for the orange flowers of carrots, strawberries and some other fruits and vegetables, and also gives them a slightly bitter taste. 4. Enzymes: These are protein compounds that are responsible for fermentation in our body and break down certain substances. Enzymes can be used to impart a certain texture, taste or aroma to a product, such as in the fermentation process of beer, wine, cheeses, etc. 5. Essential oils: These are volatile substances consisting of organic compounds. For example, laurel essential oil has a characteristic pungent odor, which is responsible for the taste of dried fish. Some essential oils are natural flavoring agents or preservatives in foods or cosmetics. 6. Texture: Fruit pits, fiber, dextrins, fibers and other solids affect the texture of food, including its appearance and consistency. They can help you get a balanced portion of food and also improve the digestibility of other food components. 7. Mucilage: Sticky substances found in some herbal ingredients or food additives give foods their viscosity, softness and creaminess. They can also serve as natural stabilizers in products to reduce their tendency to separate.

To have a complete understanding of flavor substances, it is necessary to take into account that the interaction between them can have a great influence on a person’s perception of the taste of the product. Each person has their own individual taste and preferences, which can differ significantly from how other people perceive the same product. Therefore, creating an attractive and memorable product does not depend on

**Flavour** is a combination of elements of the smell of certain things produced during the cooking process, which give food its unique taste. Also, the concept of taste can describe any odorous thing that has a smell. All these things are called “flavours”, and the technologies for reproducing the aromas necessary to create flavors for different types of food are called “**flavour technologies**”. **Florology** is a field of knowledge about flasher. There is also “fleveristics” - the same as fle