Retroflexion (Retroflex hip)

Retroflexion (from the Latin retro - behind and flexio - bending) is a medical concept meaning the displacement of an internal organ in relation to its normal position in the abdominal cavity or to a vertebra or arch of the lumbar or sacral spine. Reverse movement. What is it and how to avoid it?

Typically, retroflexion is understood as the displacement of an object backward: behind oneself, the back of two walls, an end part, a part of the back wall protruding forward, on top of a limb. This can be observed in action, for example, when a driver is driving in reverse. Or - in dance, remember

Retroflexio is a Latin word that refers to the displacement of a posterior organ (such as the ureter, which is located behind the bladder) in a relatively anterior direction in the anatomical direction of the patient's abdomen itself. In other words, this is a movement of the posterior pole of the ureter

Retroflexion (retrofixation, Retrofleхüp) is a change in the normal arrangement of organs in the body during pregnancy, in which they move backward (Retroflexion is translated from Latin as “backward displacement”) or upward compared to the normal position inside the uterus. This usually occurs when the uterus or part of it becomes too large for normal