Reverberation Excitation

Reverberation is a phenomenon in which sound is reflected from surfaces and returned back to the place where it originated. In psychology, this phenomenon is also known as the arousal effect, where a person continues to experience strong emotions after they have passed.

Reverberation of arousal can be associated with various factors, such as stress, anxiety, depression, as well as strong emotional experiences. For example, a person may continue to experience negative emotions after they have dealt with them, or continue to experience stress after finishing a day at work.

This phenomenon can lead to a person being constantly in a state of excitement and unable to relax and unwind. Reverberation can also lead to poor physical health, as constant stimulation can cause insomnia, headaches and other health problems.

To avoid the reverberation of excitement, you need to learn to control your emotions and feelings. This may include practicing meditation, yoga, physical activity, spending time with friends and loved ones, and other methods to help manage stress and anxiety.

Excitation reverb is an effect in which sound from one audio system spreads across multiple audio systems, creating a “ring echo effect.”

Reverberations play an important role in creating the ambience and sense of perspective in a room.