Resection of the stomach according to Kelling-Madlener

Kellinger-Madener resection is a type of surgical operation during which part of the stomach (about 3/4) is removed and stitched back together. The operation is performed for patients suffering from gastric or duodenal ulcers and having a complicated course of the disease (for example, with esophageal stenosis or esophageal bleeding). The purpose of the operation is to reduce the volume of the stomach and alleviate the patient's suffering.

Before starting treatment, a preliminary diagnosis of the disease is necessary. If a diagnosis is made, the doctor may prescribe surgery. However, before this, examinations (fluorography and computed tomography) should be carried out and appropriate treatment should be carried out. You should also prepare before surgery by following a diet and taking medications recommended by your doctor.

During the operation, the part of the stomach affected by ulcers is resected. Other organs that obstruct the passage of food may also be removed. The stomach is then sealed off to prevent food from entering it. After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for about a week and is then discharged home.

Madeleine-Kelling bowel resection is one of the most common procedures used in the treatment of gastric ulcers. It is carried out in a special way by removing part of the organ, which helps alleviate the symptoms of the disease. This operation can be either minimally invasive or abdominal.

The procedure itself is quite quick and easy, but after it several stitches are placed on the skin of the patient’s abdomen. They heal within several weeks, depending on the complexity of the operation and the patient’s condition. After intestinal resection, several scars remain located in the abdominal area.

The benefits of Kelling resection include: - Improvement of peptic ulcer symptoms; - Reducing the risk of developing stomach cancer; - Reducing the likelihood of complications such as gastric perforation, bleeding or peritonitis; - Reducing the patient's time in hospital.

In conclusion, if you have any health problems related to your stomach, consult your doctor. Resection can help you get rid of pain and improve your quality of life. If you have already been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, then regular support for the health of the gastrointestinal tract will allow you to maintain good health until old age.