Rheo- (from the Greek rheo - “flow” and rheos - “current, flow”) is a prefix used in scientific terms, denoting a relationship to the flow, stream, movement of a liquid or gas.
The prefix rheo- is used to form words related to rheology - the science of deformation and flow of materials. For example:
Rheology is the science of deformation and flow of substances.
A rheometer is a device for measuring the viscosity of liquids and the plasticity of solids.
Rheogram is a graph showing the dependence of flow velocity on shear stress.
Rheopexy is elasticity, the ability of a substance to restore its original shape after the cessation of deforming forces.
Thus, the prefix rheo- indicates the connection of the term with such properties of materials as fluidity, viscosity, plasticity, ability to deform and flow.