
Rheology is the science that studies the deformation and fracture of materials under the influence of external forces such as pressure or shear rate. Rheology has applications in a variety of fields, including medicine, engineering and chemistry. In medicine, rheology is used to study the properties of blood and its components, as well as to assess the condition of tissues and organs in various diseases. In engineering, rheology is used to analyze the properties of materials used in manufacturing, for example, to evaluate the flow and viscosity of materials under pressure or shear processing. In chemistry, rheology plays a role in the study of the properties of liquids and gases, such as their viscosity, fluidity, and surface tension. In addition, rheology can be used to model processes occurring in technical systems such as pumps, motors and pipelines. However, despite its many applications, it must be noted that rheology is a complex science that requires extensive research and experimentation to obtain accurate results.