Rigera Proba

Over the past few decades, the diagnosis of “senile dementia” has become part of the everyday life of not only neuroscientists, but also every person living in a large city. Diagnosing dementia and determining its stage is an important task for various specialists. To resolve this issue, diagnostic tests are widely used. Among them, the Rieger method is the most

An article about the Rieger test - a method for assessing the depth of mental dementia.

Rieger's test is a method for diagnosing the depth of development of senile sclerosis. This is a type of test - an analysis based on the manifestation of obvious indignation, or lack of reaction to false accusations in such senile disorders. The patient must respond to this indignation with his actions. In other cases, the person will not make any movements. The Rieger test involves presenting a false accusation to the patient, after which the nature of the reaction is assessed. A mild degree of senile dementia is characterized by a sufficient reaction. Lack of response is more characteristic of deeper degrees of the disease. This test is quite specific and widely used among tests to detect the deep stages of senile brain damage. The Rieger test is an important indicator in consultation with other tests, such as Bonnet or Wechsler dementia and its other modifications, to determine the degree of brain damage.