
Rhinopathies are a group of diseases or syndromes associated with inflammation of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses. These diseases can be caused by various factors, including allergies, infectious diseases, nasal injuries, hormonal disorders and other diseases. 1. Damage to the turbinates: when the turbinates are damaged, inflammation of the mucous membrane in these areas occurs and disruption of nasal breathing functions. This can lead to nasal discharge, nasal congestion, headaches and other symptoms. 2. Frenier's syndrome: This is a rare genetic disorder that causes inflammation in the lining of the nose. Symptoms may include itching

Rhinopathy is a group of diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, united by clinical and morphological characteristics.

There are several variants of pathology. Here are the most common of them and their features. Rhinoscleroma is a chronic granulomatous disease. There is keratinization of the mucous membrane on the nose, the head of the visual organ, the inner surface of the eyelids, in the larynx, and bronchi. Residents of the tropics and subtropics, where there are many malarial mosquitoes, from whose bites infection occurs, are affected. The route of infection is airborne. The disease lasts from several years to decades. Cough develops, hoarseness, hoarseness, sputum remains in patients