Face painting drawings for Halloween

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Ugly scars, bruises, black circles under the eyes, pale skin... - it seems that makeup for a Halloween party can only be done by professionals. However, if you wish, you can create it yourself at home. We share ideas and advice.


For memorable and bright makeup for All Saints' Day, it is not necessary to complete professional makeup artist courses or sign up for a beauty salon in advance. It is enough to have basic drawing skills and suitable cosmetics (for example, face painting). Armed with inspiration, free time and patience, you can create the desired image yourself. First, some practical tips:

  1. When choosing a character, it is better to immediately abandon technically complex, cinematic makeup: creating them requires certain experience, professional cosmetics and a lot of time. In addition, under too thick a layer of cosmetics, it will be difficult for the skin to breathe throughout the holiday party. Therefore, technically simple, but effective and bright makeup should be preferred.
  2. Before using special makeup cosmetics, you should check it for allergic reactions by applying a little to the inside of your wrist. If after an hour the allergy does not appear, then cosmetics can be safely used on the face. But before doing makeup, it is better to put on a costume, because then parts of the clothes can ruin the makeup, and you will have to start all over again.
  3. In order for cosmetics to stay on your face longer, you can use a special makeup fixing spray. Instead, good old baby powder is also suitable, which is used to lightly treat the face after the end of the make-up.
  4. If you plan to attach additional details to the skin that emphasize the image (warts, false nose, scars, chin, etc.), then this must be done before applying the foundation. It is advisable to dry each layer of makeup thoroughly, for example, with cold air from a hairdryer or fan.
  5. It would be a good idea to first draw the intended image on plain paper in order to clearly understand the order of applying lines and colors, and at the same time train your hand and remember the main stages of makeup. Let's look at the most successful and simple ways to apply makeup for Halloween.

1. Stitched mouth

This is perhaps one of the simplest makeup tricks that can be used to create various Halloween looks. A sewn-up mouth can easily become part of the makeup of a skeleton, a monster doll, a zombie, a ghost, or an independent thematic feature. The trick can be performed in different ways. The simplest: on a white base, draw vertical seams across the lips with black eyeliner.


For authenticity, real threads will be useful. But first, use eyeliner to mark dots above the upper and lower lips. Eyelash glue is applied over these points, with the help of which pre-prepared small pieces (no more than 3 cm long) of thread are secured. To make them stick better, they are secured on top with liquid latex.


2. An animated doll

Everyone imagines the image of a scary doll in their own way. But the easiest way is to create makeup for him, focusing on the eyes and lips. Using a layer of white pencil increases the size of the eyes. Having generously outlined the resulting eye line with a black pencil, you need to glue large false eyelashes along it.


Natural eyebrows are hidden under a layer of makeup base and bleached with powder. Two thick black stripes are painted on top of them. If desired, black eyeliner can be used to add tears, a sewn-up mouth, or stripes extending from the eyes or lips. Rich pink blush on the cheeks and bright lipstick complete the look.


3. Sinister Clown

Due to the increased popularity of bloodthirsty clowns in movies, these characters are increasingly appearing at Halloween masquerades. If you want to try it on yourself, then first you should apply regular clown makeup on your face, and then adjust some of its details, giving the image the necessary accents. The asymmetry technique works especially well: for example, one eye can be made large and irregular with the help of black shadows and eyeliner by adding a colored lens. Or smear one of the corners of your mouth with red lipstick to represent a bruise.


A very simple option: generously highlight your eyes with black shadows and draw out your lips with bright red lipstick on a white background.


4. Vampire grin

One of the most popular and attractive characters at many masquerades is the vampire. It is chosen by both female and male representatives. It is important to remember that the surface of the face in this makeup should be almost flawless, smooth and pale.


In addition to false fangs and deathly pale skin, it is necessary to emphasize the eyes and, of course, the mouth with the remains of the blood of the vampire’s victim. Black eyeliner, lipstick and lip pencil in bright red shades, and the lightest possible powder will be used.


5. Bloodthirsty Zombie

It is quite difficult to create professional makeup for corpses that have risen from the graves. It is hardly possible to do without layers of artificial skin, blood, additional pads and special cosmetics. But for home make-up, the task can be simplified a little. To emphasize flaky, sagging skin, you need to apply light powder on top of the liquid makeup base, or, conversely, apply makeup paint on top of the powder or powder base. The effect of skin decomposition will help to show blurry transitions of shades of red, white, gray, black and green.


The easiest way to demonstrate the bloodthirsty nature of the makeup is to use artificial blood. If you don’t have it on hand, there is a simple homemade recipe: add grated fresh beets with water, cook, adding a spoonful of sugar and vinegar for rich color and thickness. You can safely decorate your costume and makeup with this mixture. For example, draw a bloody wound on the forehead, smear the mouth and neck area with artificial blood. Complete the look with black circles under the eyes and cloudy insert lenses.


6. Protruding veins

They can complement the makeup of different looks, but such veins look impressive on their own. You need to stock up on black and white eyeliner, black eyeliner, black and silver eye shadow. To begin, create a wide layer of eyeliner and dark shadows around the eye line. Silvery liquid shadows in the inner corner of the eyes and under the lower lash line will add special expressiveness to the look. Then up and down from the eyes, using a black and white pencil, you need to carefully draw fine lines of veins. Complete the look with black lipstick and eyebrows.


Veins can be drawn not only on the face, but also on the neck and other open areas of the body.


7. Pale Skeleton

Skeletal makeup suggests emphasized geometry and strict lines. From the entire palette, two colors will be used: black and white. It is enough to highlight the black eye sockets, the tip of the nose and the corners of the mouth on a bright white base. Instead of carefully drawing the jaw, you can use the “sewn up mouth” technique. It is logical to continue the makeup in the neck area, emphasizing the line of the spine.



In a suit, it is original to use two T-shirts - white on top of black, or vice versa. But first, on the T-shirt that will be on top, you need to cut lines imitating a human skeleton.


8. Mysterious Ghost

A terrifying girl from a well, a lonely guardian of an abandoned house or the ghost of an old witch... - these images will also be appropriate for the All Saints Day holiday. Unlike zombies, the makeup here is much simpler. On a white or pale gray base, accents are made on the eyes, black eyebrows and lips. You can create the effect of dark circles under the eyes by shading black eyeliner or eyeliner. The look will be complemented by colored lenses in blue, black or dull gray shades.


9. Unzipping Face

This is a real trend among fans of scary makeup. Thanks to the neatly glued zipper to the face, the effect of unfastened skin is created, from under which bare muscles peek out. To begin with, you should choose a zipper that fits the size of your face and determine which part of the face will be bloody and which part will be normal. Then, using special glue made from mastic or liquid latex, you need to attach the zipper to the face and seal its fabric edges with napkins.


Red face painting is generously applied to the part of the face that will be bloodied. To add texture, this is done with a sponge or napkin. Faux blood and a little dark paint are added on top of the paint to make it more convincing. Using a zipper, you can reveal only a small part of the face: for example, one eye or just the mouth.


10. Swamp Witch

Getting the look of a witch is quite easy - you just need to enhance the dark shades in your eye and mouth makeup. But often at traditional Halloween masquerades there is an image of a swamp witch, differing from the usual one by the presence of green skin. To create such makeup, you will need to use green aqua paint as a base on the entire face and neck (and ideally on all open areas of the body). On top of it, eyes, eyebrows and lips are outlined in black or purple. If desired, you can add a wart to your nose.


“Two-faced” makeup will look original when the face is divided into exactly two halves: regular and painted green. Dark purple lips and eye shadow can bring both sides of the face together. It is better to use green shadows on a flesh-colored background, and purple shadows on a green background.

Anastasia Skorekova Halloween 06/29/2018

Hello to all readers of my blog, today we will talk about the topic “Face painting for Halloween”. I will tell you in detail about its types and secrets of application, and also show you many ideas and useful master classes.

Face painting is a technique of applying paint to the skin. It contains conventional water-based, grease-free paints. The peculiarity of this type of paint is that it dries quickly and is easily washed off. Today, using this technique, professional makeup artists paint real masterpieces. I suggest you look at a selection of the best ideas, in which everyone will find something interesting for themselves.

Face painting ideas for children

Very often at children's parties, one of the entertainment options we see is face painting. Usually in this case there is a huge queue to see the master and this is not surprising, children love such things. If your little one is going to a Halloween party, help him complete the look with some pretty face art.


There are a lot of ideas on the Internet, I will help you time by choosing the best ones. First, I suggest you familiarize yourself with ideas for boys:

  1. Superheroes. Boys are often fans of these characters, many of them will definitely like such drawings.


  2. Skeleton.
  3. Cute and terrible, the little vampire is beautiful. From this photo we can say that the client is satisfied, and this is the main thing!


  4. Evil pumpkin.


  5. If your child doesn't want scary stories or superheroes, no problem! You can give him face painting in the form of any animal that matches the theme of his costume.


Now let's move on to face painting ideas for girls. There are also both scary and cute images for them:

  1. Young vampire.


  2. Cobweb. This look is versatile and will go with many outfits.


  3. Zombie girl.


  4. Bat.


  5. Cute images. If your princess wants a delicate and beautiful design, she might like the following types.


Do you want the pattern on your face to last longer? Create a Halloween mask based on the resulting picture.

Ideas for girls

Let's start with simple face painting options and gradually move on to more complex techniques.

  1. The most common image is witch. Makeup and face painting in this case are quite light. We lighten the face with powder, make a smokey eye and draw makeup streaks. We line our lips with a black pencil and apply lipstick of the same shade.

  1. Ghost. A very simple and at the same time interesting image.
  1. white makeup;
  2. eye shadow (plum shade);
  3. lipstick (the same color as the shadows);
  4. mascara (white).


First, we paint the eyes with shadows and mascara, then lightly tint the lips. Now we take the makeup and paint the entire face white, including the lips and without affecting the area of ​​​​the painted eyes. Take the shadows, lightly smear them on the cheekbones and use a powder brush to blend them well. The image is ready.

  1. Zombie. This makeup is also not complicated and can be easily done with your own hands at home. You will need to paint your entire face green, do eye and lip makeup, and draw seams.


  2. Vampire. A classic look that won't be difficult to create.

  1. Cat. This image is very often used by girls, it is simple to perform and very sexy.


  2. Broken doll. Cracks are quite difficult to draw, therefore, to perform such drawings It's better to contact a professional.

  1. Evil clown. An unusual choice for a girl. If you find a good makeup artist who will do a high-quality drawing, you are guaranteed a prize for the most unusual and scary costume among women.

Men's face painting

For teenage boys, the following options are ideal:

  1. Wicked superhero.


  2. Joker.


In order to make such makeup we will need the following materials:

  1. PVA glue;
  2. toilet paper;
  3. makeup (green, white, black, red);
  4. hair dye (green);
  5. makeup cream (black shade);
  6. napkins;
  7. eyeliner (black).

First, we make marks of a smile on the face using a pencil. Using glue, draw a smile according to the marks. Glue pieces of napkins on top.

Now we take white makeup and completely paint the face, leaving only the space around the eyes untouched. Now we paint this space with black makeup cream.

Using a pencil, draw small arrows extending in different directions from the black eye sockets. Then we draw a smile on top of the glued napkins using black makeup or a pencil.

We add the main highlight of the joker image – a smile. To decorate it we use red makeup. Using a pencil, draw in the folds on the forehead with a black pencil. And the final element is to spray your hair with dye.

  1. A vampire. Although the glory of the famous Twilight movie has already passed, this look will always be in trend.


Men grow up only externally, in fact, each of them always remains a child at heart who is not averse to fooling around. That's why I made a special selection for older guys. In my opinion, the following images will suit them:

  1. Frankenstein.


  2. Accident victim. This makeup is quite extraordinary, although everyone has interesting costumes at this festival. But your face painting will outshine everyone.


  3. Crap.


  4. Character from the movie "Saw".


  5. Scull. A beard will add a special brutality to the image; if you don’t have your own, you can always glue on an artificial one.


  6. 3D mouth. A giant mouth like this looks very original and unusual. This face painting will certainly make you stand out from the crowd.


  7. Terminator. Each of us, at least for a minute, dreamed of becoming a terminator.


With this, I will say goodbye to you, friends. I hope that from the pictures I offered, you were able to find some interesting image for yourself. Don't forget to visit my blog often and follow its updates.

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