Birth Trauma in Newborns

Birth Trauma in Newborns: Causes, Consequences and Treatment

Birth trauma is a concept that describes injuries that can occur in newborns during childbirth. According to statistics, up to 5% of newborns can suffer a birth injury. This can be caused by both natural factors, such as malposition of the fetus or rapid labor, and severe illnesses of the mother, which can cause oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Premature and large fetuses are most susceptible to birth trauma. In this case, the newborn may experience various injuries, such as dislocations, bone fractures, hemorrhages in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, spinal injuries, but the head is most often injured. Damage to the head can be superficial (hemorrhages into soft tissues - hematomas, hemorrhages into the facial muscles, cracks and fractures of the skull bones) and intracranial.

The most dangerous is intracranial birth injury, which occurs as a result of oxygen starvation of the fetus. Intracranial birth injury manifests itself immediately or 2-3 days after birth. The child experiences motor agitation and anxiety; he screams, convulsions or convulsive twitching of individual muscles (usually the face) appear. Excitement soon gives way to drowsiness: the newborn stops screaming, sucks sluggishly or does not take the breast at all; breathing is irregular, slow; the skin is pale, the extremities are cold; body temperature is usually lowered.

If birth trauma is suspected, the newborn should be admitted to intensive care for observation and treatment. Treatment may include various medications, and in cases of severe intracranial injury, long-term treatment with oxygen at elevated pressure, called hyperbaric oxygen therapy, may be required.

However, the best way to prevent birth trauma is to properly manage your pregnancy and birth. Prevention of birth trauma begins with monitoring the pregnant woman in the antenatal clinic, as well as in the maternity hospital. A woman must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and periodically come for examinations at the antenatal clinic. In the presence of late toxicosis or severe illnesses, early hospitalization in a maternity hospital is necessary for appropriate treatment and monitoring of the condition of the fetus and mother.

Moreover, a woman should lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid bad habits and eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. It is also important to monitor your physical condition and avoid overexertion during pregnancy.

If a woman is at risk of developing a birth injury, the doctor may recommend a cesarean section to minimize the risk of harm to the fetus during childbirth.

In conclusion, birth trauma in newborns is a serious problem that can lead to various injuries and complications, including intracranial hemorrhage. However, proper management of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as timely seeking medical help, can significantly reduce the risk of developing birth trauma and ensure the healthy development and well-being of the newborn.