Childbirth Failed

Missed labor is a condition in which a woman is unable to give birth to a child due to various reasons. This may be due to various factors such as poor positioning of the baby, too big or small size of the fetus, health problems of the mother or father of the baby, and other factors.

One of the most common causes of miscarriage is intrauterine fetal death. This occurs when a baby dies inside the womb before it is born. This can happen at any stage of pregnancy, but most often occurs after the 28th week. In this case, doctors may decide to perform a caesarean section to prevent further damage to the uterus and save the mother's life.

Also, a non-consummated birth can be caused by the absence of labor in the mother. This may occur due to health problems such as muscle weakness or spinal problems. In such cases, doctors may recommend that the woman use special drugs to induce labor or have a caesarean section.

In addition, a miscarriage can occur due to the incorrect position of the baby in the womb. If the baby is in the wrong position, it can lead to problems during birth and even death of mother and baby. In such cases, it is necessary to perform a caesarean section or other surgical interventions to correct the position of the child.

In any case, if a birth does not occur, you must immediately consult a doctor to get help. The doctor will conduct an examination and determine the cause of the failed birth, and then propose a treatment plan.