Roots-De La Campo Symptom

Corany de la Camp is a diagnosis given to a patient with certain symptoms. It was proposed in the early 20th century and is still used today to refer to a certain heart disease (cardiovascular failure with persistent cough at night).

The symptom was discovered by a scientist from Hungary, Farkas Korányi, who observed patients with signs of fatigue and cough. In this regard, he suggested that these symptoms are interconnected and could be caused by some kind of disease.

The German doctor Delsa Camp (Otto dela Camp) confirmed the theory of Professor Koranyi and called this phenomenon “Koranyi exposition”. He also noted that patients often have cyanosis (blue discoloration under the tongue), swelling and other signs of heart failure.

Koranyi De Camp symptom is a clinical manifestation that is observed with widespread pericarditis, an inflammatory lesion of the outer lining of the heart. This condition is characterized by palpation of a rounded erythematous area under the collarbones, in the area of ​​the fifth and sixth ribs, which feels like a soft and elastic compaction that increases