
Rotation is an important concept in physiology that describes the circular movement of the body. It can be caused by various factors such as gravity, movement, muscle activity, etc.

In physiology, rotation can be used to describe the movement of a body in space. For example, when walking a person rotates the body around its axis. This allows him to maintain balance and move forward.

In addition, rotation plays an important role in maintaining human health. When performed correctly, rotation improves blood circulation, increases flexibility of muscles and joints, and reduces the risk of developing various diseases.

To perform a rotation correctly, several factors must be taken into account. First, you need to make sure that your body is in the correct position. For example, if a person is sitting on a chair, then his legs should be slightly bent at the knees and shoulder-width apart.

Secondly, it is necessary to ensure that the rotation occurs evenly. This can be done by doing stretching and strengthening exercises.

Finally, the rotation must be regular. Regularly performing rotation exercises will help maintain health and improve your quality of life.

rotation is a special type of movement in which the position of the body or its part changes in space along a curve resembling part of a circle. It represents a smooth rotation of the parts of the human body relative to each other. A very important property of the human body is that various muscle groups are in constant tension, and the muscles that produce rotational movements (circular) are involved in maintaining the position of the body in space (maintaining balance). In animals, rotation is completely absent. Rotation has great biological significance as