Rotova Oblast

The oral region (regio oralis, pna, bna, jna; syn. mouth area) is the part of the face that surrounds the opening of the mouth. It includes the lips, cheeks, vestibule of the mouth, teeth and gums.

The oral region performs a number of important functions, such as eating, speaking, and expressing emotions. The organs of chewing, taste and speech are located here. The condition of the oral region affects a person’s overall health and quality of life.

Oral care includes brushing your teeth and tongue, rinsing your mouth, moisturizing your lips, and getting regular dental checkups. Oral hygiene is essential to prevent caries, periodontitis, halitosis and other problems. In addition, it helps maintain the health and aesthetic appearance of teeth and gums.

Oral region **The oral region (regio oratilis)** is the part of the body containing the oral organs and associated structures. It is the center of our nutrition and speaks for our speech. The oral region also has key relationships with our emotions and behavior. These are just a few of the many factors that influence the role of the oral area in our lives. Here we take a closer look at these factors and how they affect human health.

Functions of the company area

Functions of the organs of the oral region Organ of the respiratory system Stomach and other subgroups of the digestive system Load-bearing structure of the body Locomotor system Evolution and structure of other departments Development of structural connections with the salivary glands Innervation and blood supply Ling