The macrobe

Macrobiotics is a type of nutrition in which a large number of natural products are included in the diet. The essence of the method is to increase the amount of plant foods in people's daily menus to improve health, as well as reduce the consumption of animal proteins, fats and salt. The term "macrobial" comes from the Greek macros - large, and bios - life. Thus, by eating “microbial” food, people can improve their health. The macrobiotic diet is an excellent choice for vegetarians who are watching their weight.

The macrobiotic method of nutrition became widespread in ancient India. The inhabitants of this country practiced this type of nutrition for long periods for the purpose of health improvement and disease prevention. The idea became very popular thanks to the famous philosopher and scientist Jabal Shaker. He founded an order of physicians incorporating the principles of the macrobiotic diet and the teachings of allopathy. Currently, macrobiotic nutrition is recognized by official medicine.

Key principles: * Avoid sauces * Maximize the proportion of vegetables and fruits * Limit consumption of processed carbohydrates, such as white bread, baked goods, potatoes, rice * Avoid foods rich in animal protein * Maintenance