Oral Hole

The oral opening, also known as the oral fissure, is an open entrance to the oral cavity in humans and many other animals. It plays an important role in the process of digestion, respiration and communication.

Physically, the mouth opening is located on the front surface of the head and is shaped like an oval surrounded by the lips, cheeks, teeth and palate. Inside the oral cavity, the oral opening communicates with the throat and tongue, which performs the function of moving food into the pharyngeal cavity.

Despite the fact that the mouth opening is the entrance to the digestive system, its functions are not limited to this. It also plays an important role in the breathing process, providing air access to the lungs. In addition, the oral opening serves for the production of sounds and communication, making it an integral part of human language and social life.

Also, the mouth can be a source of diseases and infections, so it must be carefully cared for. Regular brushing of teeth, oral cavity and proper nutrition will help maintain the health of the mouth and the entire body as a whole.

In conclusion, the mouth opening plays an important role in human life. It not only performs digestive functions, but also plays an important role in breathing and communication. Don't forget about oral care to maintain the health and well-being of your entire body.

The oral opening is an anatomical structure that is located on the human face and performs the function of eating. It is a gap that connects the oral cavity with the external environment.

The mouth opening has several functions. Firstly, it ensures the flow of food into the oral cavity. Secondly, it is involved in the breathing process, since gases are exchanged between air and lungs through it. Thirdly, the mouth opening plays an important role in the formation of the voice, since with its help sounds are formed.

In addition, the mouth opening is an object of attention for many people. For example, many people pay a lot of attention to their smile and how it looks. This is due to the fact that the mouth can be a source of various problems, such as caries, periodontal disease and other oral diseases. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the health of your mouth and regularly visit the dentist for preventive examinations.