
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness, swelling and inflammation on the face. Rosacea is considered a multifactorial disease, and its etiology is still not fully understood. In addition, rosacea can be associated with various systemic diseases, such as hyperpigmentation and diffuse mastocytoma, which increases the complexity of its treatment and worsens the prognosis for recovery.

The conjunctiva is a thin film that covers the inner surface of the eye, and conjunctivitis is an inflammation that occurs on the cornea and conjunctiva due to various infectious diseases. Pterygium is a lesion in which tissue filled with blood vessels connects to an area that extends from the cornea in the form of a flap. They can gradually spread to the entire eye, affecting vision and making conservative treatment difficult. Conjunctival infectious pterius is a serious problem, especially in older patients, as they have low immunity and are susceptible to more severe disease.

As mentioned above, although in modern medicine there are drugs aimed at treating rosacea, the problems are often aggravated due to possible concomitant diseases. So, another important reason to understand the risk of the disease is associated with the main drug that is widely used to treat rosacea. The treatment tactics for rosacea consist primarily in the use of topical glucocorticosteroids, which have a long-term, versatile anti-inflammatory effect and improve the clinical picture of the disease as a whole. Other main components of treatment will be antimicrobial drugs and, today, combination drugs of antiseptics and antimicrobial agents, which have a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. An important factor in successful treatment is adherence to personal hygiene rules, regular use of moisturizers, and the use of sunglasses when going outside. Thus, rosaceo-conjunctivitis requires an integrated approach to treatment, taking into account all possible concomitant factors that will increase the chances of successful treatment and reduce the likelihood of complications to a minimum.