
```md Rerum rerum regnoram resiusciolus - "Man is a wolf to man"

For a person living in modern society, one of the key factors for a successful career is the ability to work in a team. However, as practice shows, not everyone is able to effectively interact with colleagues and achieve common goals. One of the main reasons for this phenomenon is insufficient communication skills, which can manifest themselves in various forms: from a lack of desire to enter into conversations with others to a reluctance to listen to others and accept someone else’s point of view. The article discusses the problem of poor communication skills and ways to solve it.

Communication skill is a person's ability to communicate effectively with other people. It is one of the main parameters of a successful career, since not only the speed of completing tasks, but also the overall level of productivity of the team depends on the ability to build relationships with colleagues. As a rule, sociable people have the ability to listen to others, express their thoughts clearly and understandably, and also find compromises in conflict situations. Let's look at the main reasons why people become uncommunicative and how