Loose facial skin what to do

No matter how expensive decorative cosmetics are, it will not be possible to disguise porous facial skin with it. Is it necessary to hide this “orange peel”? After all, she didn’t just appear. Enlarged pores on the face need to be treated, and there are many ways to do this.

Characteristics of porous skin


Disturbances in the endocrine system and hormonal surges provoke increased production of sebum, and this in turn leads to enlarged pores, because fat accumulates in the ducts and expands their mouth. Therefore, people first experience enlarged pores during adolescence, when puberty begins.

Main causes of porosity

Factors that cause porous skin include the following:

  1. Genetic predisposition. If parents have facial skin with enlarged pores, then it is highly likely that the child will have a similar epidermal defect in the future;
  2. Incorrect dermatological actions. Often a woman, trying to eliminate the problem of oily shine and enlarged pores, uses aggressive creams and ointments to dry out the skin. But the result appears opposite to what was expected, a protective reaction occurs in the epidermis, and the activity of the sebaceous glands is activated. Many people, especially young people, make another mistake: they begin to squeeze out pimples and blackheads, which are indispensable “companions” of porous skin. In this case, mechanical pressure transforms the mouth of the duct; moreover, keratinized cell particles and infections get there;


  3. Excessive use of decorative cosmetics. Masking pores with foundation and powder makes the situation even worse. Cosmetics clog the ducts, fat removal is blocked, and without meaning to, the woman herself makes the pores even larger. In addition, applied in a thick layer of cream does not make the pores less noticeable; on the contrary, visually they look sloppy. Even if a girl’s pores look quite normal, excessive use of decorative cosmetics and untimely removal of them from the face sooner or later provokes dilation of the ducts;
  4. Insufficient and improper care. The skin of the face is exposed to various contaminants throughout the day: dust, air pollution, plus makeup. All these factors prevent the skin from breathing and make it difficult to remove subcutaneous sebum and sweat. If impurities remain on the skin for a long time, it not only makes the pores larger, but also provokes the appearance of blackheads. The reason for enlarged pores caused by improper care is the most common.
  5. Diet. Frequent consumption of fatty foods, spices, chocolate, and alcohol can also affect the appearance of porous skin. Disorders in the diet and harmful addictions cause diseases of the stomach and intestines, frequent constipation, this affects the face in the form of rashes and dilation of the mouths of the ducts;


  6. Accompanying illnesses. Not only diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also kidneys, liver, anemia can cause porosity of the epidermis;
  7. Prolonged exposure to the sun. Those who like to sunbathe for a long time should be careful, ultraviolet radiation and elevated temperatures dry out the skin, causing it to wrinkle, epithelial particles are grouped near the pores, and visually this makes them larger;
  8. Aging skin. Enlarged pores cause a lot of trouble not only during adolescence. With age, when the dermis loses its elasticity and becomes flabby, enlarged pores appear even larger. And in order to get rid of such an unaesthetic effect, it is necessary to organize timely and proper care of the epidermis.

Features of care

Skin with enlarged pores is quite “capricious” and needs special care and attention. If you do not carry out the necessary manipulations at an early stage of the appearance of porous skin, then the situation threatens to worsen. Caring for epidermis with such a defect should be carried out, first of all, by the owner himself, but always in consultation with a specialist.

Features of caring and therapeutic actions include:

  1. Daily self-hygienic procedures;
  2. Examination by a dermatologist;


  3. Selection of special cosmetics;
  4. Hardware cosmetology sessions;
  5. Application of traditional medicine recipes.

Mandatory daily procedures

Daily care steps for problem skin with enlarged pores include:

  1. The face must be thoroughly cleansed 2 times a day. To do this, you need warm water and special cleansing foams, lotions, and tonics. Soap is prohibited in this situation;


  2. Scrubs should be used to cleanse the skin twice a week. The skin on the face should be steamed well enough, after which it can be wiped with a scrub.
  3. It is imperative to pay attention to the fact that the scrubbing product contains small abrasive particles that act gently on the skin, since large and coarse pieces of abrasive further destroy the “craters” of the ducts.
  4. You should apply nourishing cream to your face every day. It would be better if it has a pore-tightening effect. Homemade masks and compresses will cope with this task perfectly, in the preparation of which you can choose the active ingredients individually, based on your own preferences and skin condition. Cosmetics with a greasy texture should never be used.

The problem cannot be solved by external procedures alone. Masks will be useless without organizing the correct diet and drinking regime. It is a mistake to think that oily skin does not need moisturizing. So, along with using moisturizing cosmetic products, you need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. But smoked, fried, salty, sweet, and spicy foods should be limited - such foods activate the production of subcutaneous fat.

It has already been mentioned that some internal diseases can provoke the appearance of enlarged pores. Therefore, the main first rule in treating porous skin will be to undergo a medical examination. In many cases, getting rid of a concomitant illness helps to cope with a skin defect without the use of complex cosmetic interventions. Before using a “barrel” of creams and ointments, you need to identify existing health problems; consultations with a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, abdominal ultrasound examinations, and blood tests may be required.

Cosmetology procedures


The list of services of each beauty salon includes deep facial cleansing procedures. Will they help women with porous skin? Of course, during such sessions the sebaceous ducts are freed from contamination, blackheads, and excess fat. A cosmetologist may recommend cleaning pores using cosmetics designed for this purpose, or undergoing a hardware procedure.

Cosmetological effects include the following cleaning and exfoliation options:

Scrub-peeling and peeling-gommage

During such manipulations, the upper layer of the epidermis is cleansed, irregularities and scars are polished;

Cosmetic masks

Scrub-peeling procedures are similar in technology to home scrubbing. Their effect is produced only on the surface layer of the skin, that is, it has a mild effect and is tolerated quite easily by the patient.

Hardware techniques


The epidermis is also cleaned using special devices. Hardware techniques are quite aggressive and complex, these include:

  1. Cryomassage. In this case, the skin is treated with an air-nitrogen jet or directly with liquid nitrogen itself. As a result, there is a sharp narrowing and expansion of blood vessels under the influence of cold, this activates blood circulation and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result of “shock freezing”, the pores also become narrower.
  2. Microdermabrasion. This is a type of peeling, but it is carried out mechanically. Experts call this procedure “skin cleansing brought to perfection.” The facial skin is polished with aluminum oxide microcrystals. These particles fall on problem areas of the skin through the tip of a special device. The expected effect of the procedure is exfoliation of the cells of the upper layer of the epidermis, smoothing and leveling the relief of the skin.
  3. Laser resurfacing. Similar action and effect to the previous methods. The only “cleaning” substance in this case is a laser beam.
  4. Hardware methods can also include cleaning the skin of the face using vacuum and ultrasound.

Recipes for healing masks

You can try to deal with porous skin by using masks, scrubs, compresses prepared according to folk recipes. In addition to narrowing the holes in the skin, such products nourish, mattify and moisturize the epidermis. But we should not forget that procedures with independently mixed compositions from available products are only an addition to the main therapy.

To achieve a cleansing effect, film masks are used, which, when drying on the skin, “catch” dirt from the pores.

Egg and lemon

  1. ryhlaya-kozha-lica-chto-delat-FuBZn.webp

    2 egg whites
  2. Lemon juice - a few drops

Cucumber and egg

  1. ryhlaya-kozha-lica-chto-delat-AuLFM.webp

    Fresh cucumber pulp – 2 tablespoons
  2. White of 1 egg

Gelatin and milk

  1. ryhlaya-kozha-lica-chto-delat-QnTpR.webp

    Dry gelatin – 1 spoon
  2. Whole milk – 1.5 spoons

Clay mask

  1. ryhlaya-kozha-lica-chto-delat-bctExQ.webp

    Blue clay powder – 1 spoon
  2. Mineral water

Products for narrowing pores

Lotion “Lemon and Cucumber”

  1. ryhlaya-kozha-lica-chto-delat-bHwHmA.webp

    Combine lemon and fresh cucumber juice in equal proportions, you can add some freshly squeezed aloe juice.

Compress “Potato”

  1. ryhlaya-kozha-lica-chto-delat-UbNzM.webp


Ice compress

  1. ryhlaya-kozha-lica-chto-delat-zmPxO.webp

    Prepare a decoction of medicinal plants in advance (you can use a mixture of herbs): chamomile, calendula, sage, linden blossom, cool the liquid and place in ice trays.

Compress “Camphor and jojoba oil”


Mix the components in equal parts. Moisten a soft cloth in the resulting mixture, wring it lightly and apply to areas of the face with porous skin.

Viburnum mask

  1. ryhlaya-kozha-lica-chto-delat-AGLEMmU.webp

    Viburnum berries – 3 spoons

Mask “Vitamins and clay”

  1. ryhlaya-kozha-lica-chto-delat-NIuDpHa.webp

    Green, blue or white clay - 2 tablespoons
  2. “Aevit” – 2 capsules

Scrubs for porous skin

Lemon zest

  1. ryhlaya-kozha-lica-chto-delat-MXRaaT.webp

    Peel from half a lemon
  2. Yogurt – 2 spoons

Coffee and kefir

  1. ryhlaya-kozha-lica-chto-delat-QFnhwd.webp

    Ground coffee (or coffee grounds) – 1 spoon
  2. Kefir – 1 spoon



Spices have an excellent exfoliating and irritating effect: ginger and cinnamon powder.

  1. This substance is taken in the amount of 1 teaspoon and mixed with 1 spoon of sour cream, fruit puree or any cream and used as a scrub.

Makeup rules and choice of cosmetics

Of course, it is not advisable to expose porous skin to decorative cosmetics. But if you can’t do without makeup, you should follow some rules:

  1. Before applying makeup, wipe your face with an ice cube or rinse with cold water. Due to exposure to low temperatures, the pores will temporarily tighten and cosmetics will not get into them;


  2. As a base for makeup, you should use a water-based cream with a moisturizing effect. Thus, the skin becomes more elastic;
  3. If you need to use foundation, you need to choose a product with a light texture, for example, cream mousse. But you will have to categorically refuse matting cream-powder. Under a product with a thick consistency, the skin will instantly become covered with sweat and fat, and the makeup will “run”;
  4. You can use powder and concealer pencil, but their layer should be thin and need to be renewed throughout the day. You can take powder with reflective particles; they will distract attention from the skin defect;
  5. You should not highlight your cheekbones, especially if they are covered with enlarged pores. It's better to focus on the eyes.
  6. In the evening, decorative cosmetics should be carefully removed from the face. Micellar water or milk is ideal for this. There is no need to choose makeup removers containing oils.

“Orange peel” skin pores cause owners a lot of trouble. However, this phenomenon is not a death sentence; the defect can be corrected if you do not engage in thoughtless self-medication. Success depends on the competence of the cosmetologist and the correct implementation of all his recommendations.

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Loose skin on the face is quite common these days, and it doesn't look at all attractive - it's usually saggy, has a pale tint, and wrinkles appear on it more quickly.

At the same time, the pores are often enlarged, increased oiliness is observed, and the color of such skin is gray or yellow.

Causes of sagging facial skin

The main factor in the development of sagging is aging. With age, the production of hyaluronic acid decreases, which is why the skin is much less hydrated, and therefore its cells become dehydrated. Elastin and collagen fibers also slow down their growth, as a result of which the skin loses its elasticity.

There are other causes of sagging, such as express diets. Such extreme eating methods dramatically and quickly reduce weight, and the skin cells do not have time to adapt to this speed. Because of this, sagging appears, which is most noticeable on the face, because you cannot hide it under clothes. In addition, it more often than other parts of the body comes under the aggressive influence of external stimuli.

Flabbiness can also occur due to the use of inappropriate cosmetics or more serious causes - illness. These may include dysfunction of the endocrine system, various chronic diseases, and hormonal imbalance. Moreover, a similar problem can arise even at a fairly young age. Loose skin on the face at the age of 30 is often the result of severe overwork, some illness, sudden weight loss or smoking.

[1], [2], [3]

What needs to be examined?

How to examine?

Who to contact?

Treatment of sagging facial skin

What to do and how to get rid of sagging skin on the face? If the skin on your face is loose, you should improve the metabolic processes in it. To do this, it is necessary to establish the process of its nutrition and hydration (external as well as internal).

The following manipulations help remove sagging on the face:

  1. Face massage;
  2. Performing gymnastics;
  3. Carrying out water procedures;
  4. Applying special masks to the face.

But you need to understand that external procedures alone will not be enough in this situation. You need to eat a balanced and nutritious diet to fully provide your skin with the elements it needs. It is also important to maintain a water regime, since to eliminate sagging you need good hydration of the skin.


You should also nourish your skin with vitamins. Vitamin complexes A and E help take care of the skin. At the same time, vitamins of group A support skin health, and vitamins of group E prevent premature fading and aging. It should be noted that it is not necessary to buy such complexes in pharmacies, since the necessary vitamins are contained in many green fruits and vegetables, as well as spinach (vitamin A), and in addition in nuts, vegetable oil and wheat grains (vitamin E).

Also, people with sagging skin are recommended to take a course of B1 vitamins - this increases its tone.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Loose skin can be quite effectively eliminated by treatment using special devices. There are several different procedures.

Fractional mesotherapy. The procedure is carried out as follows: shallow (less than 1.5 mm) injections of mesopreparations are injected into the facial skin at short intervals, which help restore cellular tissue and create new ones. The collagen layer is formed within 2-8 weeks.

Although patients tolerate this procedure without problems, there are still some contraindications: mesotherapy is prohibited for epileptics, women during pregnancy, as well as those who suffer from colds or have inflammatory skin diseases.

Fractional RF lifting procedure. This method quite effectively eliminates sagging skin on the face. The device, which helps eliminate small defects, operates under the influence of RF energy. The applicator used during the procedure has a tip on which many electrodes are located. It is he who performs volumetric heating of the skin, penetrating into its deepest layers. This helps restore elastin as well as collagen fibers and accelerates the process of fibroblast turnover.

The fractional photothermolysis method is a fairly popular and effective way to eliminate sagging skin. This procedure is performed in this way - the damaged areas of the skin are exposed to laser beams. Their properties increase the rate of collagen production in the dermis of the skin, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. This method is considered completely controlled and therefore safe - the risk of complications after it is minimal. Experts also say that the results of this procedure can be quite long-lasting.

Traditional treatment

There are many homemade masks that help eliminate sagging facial skin. Below are the simplest and most effective ones.

Masks made from egg yolk are considered very effective for the most part - they are suitable for dry skin types. In this case, you need to grind the raw yolk, adding a little fruit peel (lemon or orange) ground into powder, and then leave for half an hour. Add lemon juice (2-3 drops) to the tincture, as well as any vegetable oil (olive oil can be used) - 1 tbsp. The resulting mask must be applied to a clean face, held for 15-20 minutes, and then rinsed off using warm water.

A mask made from fresh fruit juice along with cottage cheese will help inflamed, flabby, dry skin - it will give the skin softness and elasticity. You need to take 2 tsp. fat cottage cheese and grind it with some selected juice (it must be freshly squeezed), then add half the raw yolk to the mixture along with 1 tsp. camphor oil. Mix the resulting substance and apply to the skin - leave for 15 minutes. Next, rinse with water and rinse your face with chamomile or green tea tincture, then apply moisturizer.

Nourishing masks to which lemon juice is added help restore the skin. You need to take 6-7 g of fatty cream and add 0.5 tsp to it. sour cream and 1 tsp. juice Next, mix the ingredients and apply the mixture to the skin. You need to keep the mask on for 20 minutes and remove it using a spatula. After this, you need to wipe your face with a tonic lotion.

For oily skin types, a mustard-based mask is best suited. Should be mixed with 1 tsp. boiled water the same amount of mustard, then add 2 teaspoons to the mixture. sunflower oil. Apply the resulting substance to the damaged areas and hold for 5 minutes. You should first remove the mask with warm and then cold water, and then anoint your skin with any nourishing cream.

Cucumber masks are best suited for eliminating sagging skin. They are most appropriate in summer. Grind 2 cucumbers (necessarily fresh) into a fine grater, apply the resulting gruel to the skin and leave for 15 minutes. Next, you need to remove the mask using a damp swab, and then anoint your face with any selected nourishing cream.

Masks for sagging skin

Lifting masks can be bought in special stores (lifting creams or preparations), or made independently. Periodic use of these masks helps reduce sagging and also prevents early skin aging.

A white clay mask with the addition of pepper and ginger - it effectively removes swelling. Since the components of the mask have an irritating effect, this helps to normalize blood circulation. At the same time, clay removes excess water from the skin. The advantage of this method is the speed and effectiveness of the impact. Among the disadvantages is the risk of allergies to pepper or ginger.

Hydrogel masks are ready-made disposable plates. They are saturated with moisturizing and thermal elements, thereby creating a sauna effect - this allows you to eliminate excess fluid and remove fine wrinkles. The advantage is that the mask does not cause allergies, because it is based on aloe juice. The disadvantage is that the body quickly gets used to the forced removal of fluid - therefore, the procedure for applying such a mask is allowed to be carried out only 1 time per month, in some cases the amount can be increased to two.

Facial massage for loose skin

Facial massage for sagging skin helps to effectively influence the muscles and skin, thereby eliminating sagging and saggy skin. At the same time, the procedure does not have to be carried out by a specialist - you can do the massage yourself. It must be done on clean skin.

The procedure helps improve the functioning of the lymphatic system, as well as blood circulation, and in addition removes the negative effects resulting from stagnant processes.

Most often, a massage course consists of 10-15 sessions. Noticeable improvements often appear after 5-6 procedures. The skin becomes elastic and paleness disappears. Thanks to increased muscle tone, the skin becomes denser and smoother. Since the skin is a participant in all metabolic processes of the body, the patient’s well-being after the procedures also improves.

[4], [5]

Cream for sagging skin

A fairly effective and easy-to-make cream for sagging skin helps maintain the tone of aging tissues. It is prepared as follows: use olive or almond oil and special cosmetic petroleum jelly with chamomile decoction (2 teaspoons each), honey (0.5 teaspoon), sea salt (1 teaspoon), as well as fresh yolk (half). All these components need to be mixed and left to harden in the refrigerator. After this, mix again to obtain a homogeneous substance. You need to apply this cream before going to bed.

Surgical treatment

If the sagging skin is particularly severe, you should contact a plastic surgeon and use the surgical plastic procedure. In these cases, the method is selected based on the condition of the skin, as well as the result the patient needs. Sometimes, to eliminate sagging, it is enough to just lift the chin and eyelids, and also remove wrinkles from the forehead. But there are also cases when you have to perform a circular facelift. The duration of the procedure in this case depends on the amount of work. How long the recovery period will last depends on this.

To speed up the rehabilitation period, increase the effectiveness of the procedure itself, as well as reduce negative manifestations (bruises and swelling, etc.) before the operation, it is recommended to undergo a preliminary course of injections and hardware procedures.


To maintain skin turgor in good shape, you should constantly take care of the skin - both on the face and on the rest of the body. In addition, make sure that there are no sudden changes in weight. As a preventive measure, regular physical exercise, good rest and sleep, as well as water treatments would be appropriate (it should be noted that you should not use too hot water for washing - this reduces the elasticity of the skin). It is also necessary to often walk in the fresh air and adhere to a proper diet.



Loose skin on your face will not appear for a long time if you follow the correct nutritional regimen, lead a healthy lifestyle, do special exercises and take vitamins.

Many people are interested in: is it possible to successfully treat porous facial skin at home? We confidently declare that it is not possible, but it simply must be done, and regularly!

Causes of porous skin

The following reasons may influence the appearance of enlarged pores:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. If one of the parents has porous skin, then their children will eventually develop skin problems.
  2. Excessive love of the sun. In pursuit of a chocolate tan, many people get carried away by going to the solarium or to the beach. Regular exposure to lamps or sun radiation dries the skin. Due to drying out, epithelial cells group around the pores, visually enlarging them.

Facial skin care from the inside

Methods to combat enlarged pores

It is worth noting that in advanced cases it will not be possible to completely get rid of loose skin without the help of special salon procedures and acid peels. But daily home care will significantly increase your chances of winning the fight for the beauty and health of your skin.

How to get rid of enlarged pores on the face using available products? If you have porous facial skin, treatment at home should begin with thorough cleansing. Select in advance a foam or lotion that will suit your skin type. A brush with soft bristles will also help to remove dead cells.

Once a week, pour any anti-inflammatory herbs into a small bath or basin. After this, steam your face for no more than 15 minutes. Then wash your face and apply a pre-prepared mask to your face. After 10 minutes, rinse it off with lukewarm water. Gently pat your face dry with a towel. Apply moisturizer.

You need to make masks 2-3 times a week. Please note that the skin can only be steamed once. On other days, it will be enough to wash your face before applying the mask. The result will be noticeable after 10 procedures: inflammation will disappear, blackheads will become noticeably smaller, pores will narrow.

Before you start using masks against blackheads and enlarged pores, you must first test the composition for an allergic reaction.

The best mask recipes

The following homemade masks are perfect for porous skin:

  1. Protein. Beat 2 egg whites into a thick foam, add a couple of drops of lemon juice. After 5 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Watch the video for 2 more effective masks for narrowing pores based on activated carbon and clay:

Mistakes when caring for loose skin

Porous facial skin is a problem that worries many people. But if you take note of our tips and recommendations, you will see that caring for your skin at home is very simple.

Below are mistakes that should not be made when caring for porous facial skin:

  1. Washing with hot water. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. There is also no need to use soap when washing. This dries out the skin, causing the sebaceous glands to work more actively. To make your pores narrower, wipe your face with ice. This remedy will be especially effective if you use not just frozen water, but a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

Problem skin and makeup

To disguise porous skin, girls apply a large amount of foundation to their faces. This only makes the situation worse: the pores become even clearer. What can I do to make makeup improve the situation?

Before applying decorative cosmetics, you must thoroughly clean your face. First, you need to wash your face with cold water (you can wipe your skin with an ice cube), not forgetting about your neck and décolleté. This procedure will temporarily tighten the pores, which will protect them from getting inside cosmetics.

Try to apply makeup immediately before going out, and when you return home, do not forget to wash it off.