
This is a species of lizard and we will describe it in the bite paragraphs. Taking it causes severe pain in the stomach, swelling of the abdomen, as with dropsy, cusaz and urinary retention. Other scientists, namely Atius al-Amidi and others, claim that drinking wine with salamander causes swelling of the tongue, loss of reason, relaxation of the body, chronic diseases, blackening of various places on the body, rotting of individual parts of the body when treating a person, they are cut off, and he is recovering.

The general treatment for this is the same as the treatment for opium, and they give a lot of teryak to drink, for example, teryak al-faruk, mithridate and the like. As for Atius al-Amidi, he says that they treat it the same way they treat a person who received Spanish flies. One of the special remedies is to take ratiyanaja and the resin of the turpentine tree - one or both - with maya or gentian. Such patients are helped by the liquid from the decoction of Dubrovnik, in which pine nuts were boiled, cypress leaves and nettle seed, which they drink with olive oil. Sea turtle and frog eggs boiled with mint are also beneficial.