Salicylic acid for papillomas: application features

The content of the article:
  1. Description of salicylic acid
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Contraindications
  4. Applications of salicylic acid
    1. Ointment
    2. Solution
    3. Patch
  5. Results of papillomas removal

Salicylic acid for papillomas is a remedy that will help get rid of benign skin tumors - simple and filiform warts, vulgar and plantar papillomas, genital warts. Suitable for use at home and guarantees long-lasting results.

Description and preparations based on salicylic acid

Salicylic acid comes in the form of small, white, needle-shaped crystals or a light crystalline powder. Easily soluble in alcohol and hot water.

Salicylic acid for papillomas is an effective remedy for combating benign epidermal tumors. It is used to eliminate growths of various sizes and types: vulgar papillomas, simple warts, spines, genital warts, acrochords, etc. For external use only!

Salicylic acid-based medications are produced that have proven themselves in the fight against papillomas:

  1. Alcohol solution. A colorless liquid, which, in addition to the active substance, contains ethyl alcohol. It has a powerful effect on the growth, destroying it from the inside. In the fight against papillomas, 5-10% solutions of salicylic acid are used. The average price of the product is 18 rubles in Russia (8 hryvnia in Ukraine) per 40 ml bottle.
  2. Salicylic ointment. It is characterized by a milder effect than the solution, therefore it is used to remove growths on delicate areas, be it the face, neck, armpits, or intimate area. The content of the active substance in the composition of the product is 10-60%. The price of salicylic ointment in Russia is 27 rubles (18 hryvnia in Ukraine) for 25 g.
  3. Corn plaster. It is especially easy to use, but is not recommended for removing papillomas in children. The concentration of salicylic acid in this medical product is 25-30%. Cost for 1 piece. is 50 rubles in Russia and 20 hryvnia in Ukraine.
Worth knowing! According to statistics, patients most often choose salicylic ointment to remove papillomas.

Analogs of salicylic acid for use: trichloroacetic, acetic, retinoic acid. These products include active substances that have a similar effect on the problem area.

Beneficial properties of salicylic acid against papillomas

When used correctly, the product has a destructive effect on papilloma. It thins the stratum corneum, exfoliates dead cells and promotes rapid cleansing of the skin, ensuring the removal of tumors on the human body in a relatively short period of time.

The main effect of salicylic acid against papillomas:

  1. Antiseptic. The product disinfects the area, fights microbes and prevents the growth from appearing again in the same area (skin particles from the problem area contain viral cells, so it is extremely important to regularly disinfect the papilloma).
  2. Keratolytic. Exfoliation of dead skin layers by dissolving keratin.
  3. Keratoplasty. Restoration of the damaged area, accelerated healing by stimulating the process of cell regeneration.
  4. Softening. When using salicylic acid for papillomas, a softening of the stratum corneum is observed, due to which it can be gradually and carefully removed with pumice, accelerating the removal of the growth.
Important! Since salicylic acid in an alcohol solution dries out the skin greatly and can cause discomfort (burning) and irritation in a healthy area, it should only be applied pointwise and very carefully.

Contraindications to the use of salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is a very effective remedy for papillomas, which is suitable for use at home, however, it is not without contraindications and some restrictions in use.

Removal of papillomas with salicylic acid is not recommended in the following cases:

  1. Individual intolerance to the active substance;
  2. Children's age (up to 3 years);
  3. Kidney failure;
  4. Diabetes;
  5. Pathologies of the circulatory system, diseases of peripheral arteries.

Limitations when treating papillomas with salicylic acid:

  1. During pregnancy, acid can only be used to remove calluses (in preparations, but not in the form of a solution).
  2. Do not apply the product to warts on the face, mucous membranes or genitals without medical supervision.
  3. Doctors do not recommend using salicylic acid patches for children due to the toxicity of the active ingredients, which can cause itching, burning, skin rashes and even an allergic reaction.
  4. When using salicylic acid for papillomas in intimate areas, you need to be very careful. The product can harm the mucous membranes and cause irritation on delicate skin.
  5. If salicylic acid is used for papillomas on the face, the number of applications per day is halved. For example, it is better not to treat the skin in this area more than once a day.

Do not use the product to remove unusually shaped skin growths on the scalp. If it is unknown whether the neoplasm is benign, doing anything with it at home is strictly prohibited!

Treatment of papillomas with salicylic acid is very effective and has a lot of positive aspects (convenient, fast). But after careless use of medications that contain this active substance, side effects often occur - irritation, itching and burning on the skin. In extreme cases, a burn may remain, followed by scarring of the damaged skin and the formation of a residual scar.

Attention! The solution is incompatible with resorcinol. It cannot be used with zinc oxide, as insoluble mixtures may form. If you are using other medications, you should consult your doctor to get specific recommendations for using salicylic acid with them.

Methods of using salicylic acid for papillomas

The product will help you completely get rid of papillomas if you follow the rules prescribed in the instructions. It can be used in different ways, which depend on the form of release of the drug. Let's look at how to use a solution of salicylic acid, an ointment and a patch based on it in the fight against epidermal tumors.

Salicylic ointment for removing papillomas

Before using salicylic ointment, it is necessary to steam the problem area so that the product penetrates better into the stratum corneum of the skin.

Apply the product precisely to the papilloma using a cotton swab - it is important not to get it on healthy areas of the skin, as this can cause irritation.

You can repeat the procedure no more than 3 times a day (you can do this without re-steaming). It is recommended to treat the papilloma with acid until it disappears completely.

If it is not possible to treat the problem area several times during the day, you can apply a compress at night. To do this, the papilloma should first be steamed, wait 10 minutes and apply the product, covering the top with a simple gauze bandage or medical plaster.

Note! For papillomas on the neck, salicylic acid in the form of an ointment is better than a solution.
  1. Read also how to remove plantar warts using other, more effective methods

Alcohol solution of salicylic acid for papillomas

When choosing the percentage of the active substance, remember that for delicate skin you should take a product with a lower content.

The higher the percentage of salicylic acid in the solution, the less often it is necessary to treat papilloma. This can be done using the same cotton swabs.

Pre-steaming can be replaced with water procedures, after which you immediately need to treat the problem area.

If you don’t want to monitor the papilloma during the day, you can apply a compress. After moistening a cotton pad with a small amount of solution, apply it to the problem area and either cover it with a gauze bandage or stick it with a medical plaster. Thus, treating papilloma with salicylic acid at night will not require additional effort.

  1. Read about surgical methods for getting rid of vulgar warts

Salicylic acid patch to combat papillomas

The price of the Salipod patch in Russia is 119-130 rubles

This method is considered one of the most convenient because it does not require frequent changes of the patch, does not interfere with work and does not limit daily activity in any way.

The procedure is simple:

  1. The problem area, as in the case of an ointment or solution, must be carefully steamed.
  2. After this, a special impregnated patch is glued on. It is sold at any pharmacy. If the papilloma is very small, you can cut out the required shape.
  3. It is better to seal the top of such a plaster with a regular medical one so that it does not fall off during the day.
  4. The product must be changed every 12-18 hours on average.

If the use of salicylic acid for papillomas for several days does not produce any results (even minimal ones), you should stop the procedure and consult a doctor for advice.

In order not to harm yourself, you should not remove papilloma mechanically. Under the influence of salicylic acid, it will disappear in a few days (the period varies depending on the size of the tumor).

Results of papillomas removal with salicylic acid

Removal of epidermal tumors with this remedy is a virtually painless treatment method. Reviews about the use of salicylic acid for papillomas are mostly positive - following the instructions and regular use produces results.

Those who have tried the product in practice note that it is very convenient to use it at night, both in the form of a solution and in the form of a patch. In the fight against small papillomas, this is the best option.

If you need to painlessly and relatively quickly get rid of a fairly large papilloma that can bleed, it is recommended to use ointment instead of a solution. It is available with an active substance concentration of up to 60% and is suitable for delicate and sensitive skin.

  1. Read also: how to get rid of warts at home

How to use salicylic acid for warts - watch the video:


Subject to safety rules, instructions and doctor's advice, the use of salicylic acid for human papillomavirus will help to quickly get rid of skin tumors.