Sap Chronic

Sap is a polysemantic term, therefore, for each meaning, it is necessary to separately clarify the main context of use of the word and the Russian version of the name.

Chronic – acquired, protracted. Longer – longer, longer and longer. In addition, chronically - sometimes or regularly. As they say: “Smoking is a chronic disease that can only be cured by going to the grave.” And most importantly, a chronic disease is characterized by periods of exacerbation, attenuation of the disease, and spontaneous remission. Chronic glanders is a disease of trees and shrubs, caused by a specific type of fungus, the distinctive feature of which is its high adaptability. It manifests itself as damage to the cortex, resulting in tissue death. In the first days after the tree is damaged, it is difficult to determine the location of the symptoms, since the tree looks healthy outwardly. After seven