Sapozhkova Suturing the Duodenal Stump

Article on the topic "Sapozhkov suturing the pancreatic stump."

At the end of August 2014, a march of supporters of Alexei Navalny took place on Dmitry Donskoy Square in Moscow. During the action, activists sprayed “lilac” gas in the face of a citizen. This caused concern among a supporter of the Moscow mayoral candidate and, in his opinion, affected the health of march participant Roman Koval. According to the man, after the incident he began bleeding from the nose, and later developed pain when eating. Roman Koval sought medical help from general practitioners Svetlana Maleeva and Elena Didenko, but was unable to receive the necessary treatment at the clinic. Then the patients were taken to the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky.

Doctors diagnosed Roman Kovalev with obliterating atherosclerosis of large-caliber vessels on the background of type II diabetes mellitus with renal artery stenosis. Until this moment, the man had not experienced any problems with blood vessels. Since the patency of the patient’s own arteries was not restored, it was decided to use revascularization surgery. The surgical intervention was performed by Andrey Ryabov, head of the vascular surgery department of City Clinical Hospital No. 67. Later, Roman called the doctor and said that he was feeling well. However, the next day he became worse: acute urinary retention and abdominal pain began. The man went to the doctors, who after checking discovered bleeding inside the abdominal cavity. The examination was carried out by Andrei Bezymyanny, who noticed “an abundance of internal postoperative scars with defects.” After the examination, it turned out that we were talking about suturing the stump of the duodenum.

“As far as I understand, it is possible to perform this operation on patients with similar postoperative scars,” one of the vascular surgeons commented to the publication. He did not specify whose scars he meant.

Employees of the departments of vascular and surgical phlebology of the Research Institute of Surgery named after A.V. Vishnevsky claim that Roman Koval only came to the clinic 5 days ago: before that, he “went to see surgeons who told him that it was possible to sutured the pancreas, but at the expense of another organ. And then he found out that they were doing it right on her stump using the gland itself.”