
A nail file is one of the most common tools in manicure technology. Nails are a part of our body, and therefore their health and condition must be taken care of. Nail files come in different types and purposes. Some people use them to shape their nails, while others use them to trim them. The file can be made from various materials such as wood, plastic or metal.

One of the most common brands of nail files is Becker Manyunia from Germany. They produce a wide range of nail files, including traditional nail files in various abrasives, as well as more modern tools such as battery-powered files. These files are designed specifically for nail care and do not harm them.

In addition, during use, the file should be regularly replaced with a new one. This is due to the fact that over time a lot of dirt and bacteria can accumulate on its surface. The new files provide a clean and safe nail trimming experience.