Collection Brook

The "Rucheek" collection is a medicinal collection consisting of medicinal herbs that are used to treat various diseases. The collection is produced in Russia and produced by the manufacturer Viktovit.

The drug has the international name “Collection Rucheyok” and is sold in 45 gram packages. Each packet contains a different selection of herbs and is designed for individual use.

Composition of the "Rucheyok" collection: * Birch leaves - have an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect, contain vitamins B and C, increase immunity. * Valerian root - has a calming and antispasmodic effect, normalizes heart rate and blood pressure, and also relieves abdominal pain. * Linden flowers - have diaphoretic and antipyretic properties, increase appetite, and help with colds and respiratory diseases. * Peppermint herb - has an analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, improves digestion and strengthens blood vessels. * Meadow clover contains valuable vitamins A, D, E, K and trace elements potassium, calcium, manganese, boron, copper; as well as antiviral properties; has a positive effect on the reproductive system. * Clover flowers relieve coughs and relieve inflammation of the bronchi; reduce the risk of bleeding; help strengthen the immune system; have antibacterial properties. The medicinal properties of clover are associated precisely with the content of coumarin and coumarins, such as isoquercetin and rutexarin A. The collection "Rucheyik" has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, expectorant, antibacterial, choleretic, analgesic, capillary-protective, wound-healing, reparative, softening and many other properties. The plant enhances the absorption of iron and prevents its release into the bloodstream, that is, it has a very powerful healing effect in relation to anemic