
that a person catches scabies on public transport, in a public swimming pool or sauna, at work, when shopping for clothes or from contact with animals.

Although scabies is not a dangerous disease, it can cause a lot of discomfort and lead to complications such as secondary skin infection. Therefore, if you suspect scabies, you should consult a doctor and undergo treatment.

To prevent scabies, it is recommended to maintain personal hygiene, do not use other people's towels and bed linen, do not exchange personal items, do not take as gifts or buy used clothing and personal hygiene items. You should also avoid close contact with sick people and treat identified cases immediately to prevent the spread of infection.

In conclusion, scabies is a common disease caused by the scabies mite. It manifests itself as severe itching and skin lesions. To treat scabies, you must consult a doctor and undergo appropriate treatment. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene, avoid close contact with sick people and not use other people’s personal belongings.