Have you ever seen

One of the best gifts children can give us is the opportunity to experience a world of funny, silly things. Since the lives of many adults lack any meaning at all, it is good that children sometimes remind us of this.

You, just like your child, can enjoy whispering this fun, nonsensical rhyme:

Have you ever, ever, ever seen
A cat who eats a hat, at least out of the corner of his eye?
We've never seen a cat eat a hat.
We haven’t seen, we haven’t seen, we haven’t seen even once.

One of you says the first three lines and the other adds a fourth to complete the rhyme. Then you both read the fifth line together. Words can be completely stupid and meaningless, but they must rhyme.

For example:

Have you seen how a hippopotamus
Did you eat compote with a teaspoon?

Like a shoe, exhausted,
Did you ask the owner for porridge?

Like once in a dense forest
Two fleas bit a wasp?

A simple melody

Turn your rhyme into a song. Choose a familiar tune and add your own words or create your own melody.