Exercises to Strengthen the Arms and Chest Muscles

The proposed sets of exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle (arms and chest). In one lesson you should perform 5-10 exercises from the proposed ones, and not all at once.

Before performing the exercises, you need to warm up. The best warm-up options are running for 15-30 minutes, a dance program, an exercise bike or a bicycle. Warm-up is carried out at a pulse of 120-150 beats per minute, this helps to activate aerobic energy supply pathways with fat oxidation.

The duration of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the arms and chest is usually 10-20 minutes and is only part of an exercise in which other muscle groups are also strengthened.

The pace of the exercises is about 30 repetitions per minute.

After strength exercises, be sure to perform an exercise to stretch the working muscles (see above).

Exercises must be performed until the working muscles feel very tired; with prolonged work, the muscles may begin to tremble - this is normal, a little more and you can rest. If your muscles hurt the next day, take a hot bath (good with sea salt) or visit the sauna.
