Beautiful Shoulders - Beautiful Figure

A beautiful figure is the goal of many women who play sports and look after their health. Well-developed muscles contribute to the formation of beautiful body proportions and increase self-confidence. One important part of the body that should not be neglected when training is the shoulders. Beautiful shoulders mean not only a pleasant appearance, but also health, since strong shoulder muscles prevent injuries and diseases of the spine.

In this article we will look at an exercise for the deltoid muscle, or deltoids, which will help you develop them and give your shoulders a beautiful rounded shape.

To begin with, many women are afraid to do shoulder exercises, fearing that they may increase muscle size. But in fact, to become the owner of shoulders “like a swimmer”, you need a lot of time and effort, and regular exercises for the deltoid muscle will only help give them shape and hide figure flaws.

To perform the exercise you will need dumbbells weighing from 1 to 3 kg and a chair. Sit on the edge of a chair, back straight, legs together and knees bent at right angles. Your elbows should be slightly bent; this is your starting position. Take dumbbells and, as you exhale, raise your arms out to your sides to shoulder level. In this case, the hands, elbows and shoulders are on the same line, and the arms are always slightly bent at the elbows. As you inhale, lower your hands down to your hips. Repeat the exercise 12-15 times, then pause for a minute and a half and perform a couple more approaches with the same number of repetitions and a rest pause.

When performing the exercise, it is important to pay attention to the technique and avoid the following mistakes: do not raise your arms completely straight at the elbows, otherwise the weight of the dumbbells will fall on the elbows; do not lower your hands, they should be in line with the forearm; Don't raise your shoulders to your ears. Watch your breathing and do not tense your facial muscles.

Doing this exercise will help you develop the deltoid muscle and give your shoulders a beautiful rounded shape. In addition, well-developed shoulders will help correct figure flaws, change body proportions and make you more self-confident.

Don't forget that regular exercise and proper nutrition are key factors in achieving the desired results. In addition to exercises for the deltoid muscle, it is also worth including in the training program exercises for other muscle groups of the shoulder girdle, for example, for the trapezius, posterior deltoid, brachialis and others.

In addition, it should be noted that before starting sports, you should consult a specialist who will help you create an individual training program and select the optimal weight of dumbbells for performing the exercises. Also, do not forget about the correct exercise technique to avoid injuries and achieve maximum results.

In general, beautiful shoulders mean not only a pleasant appearance, but also health, and regular exercise and proper nutrition will help you achieve this goal.