Schilder Diffuse Periaxial Encephalitis

Schilder's edema (“diffuse”) encephalopathy is a type of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, which is characterized by diffuse damage to the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. It is essentially a syndrome of progressive supranucleolar cranial nerve palsy. The disease is also known as nuclear leukemia, leukodysplasia-like syndrome, radiation-induced brain injury, Schilden's disease, diffuse edema, leukodysplasia, or veteran's disease. Epidemiology: Endemic, more common in high-dose countries with a wide coverage area whose populations have been exposed to radiation for long periods of time due to environmental disasters. The disease can be caused by direct radiation, that is, by exposure to radioactive fallout. When bone marrow is irradiated over a long period of time, conditions are created that lead to abnormally active cell division and changes in their properties, which can lead to the development of a tumor.