School Bazaar Does Not Tolerate Fuss

With the arrival of mid-August, the time comes when school markets come to life and the shelves are filled with a wide variety of goods. The abundance presented is pleasing to the eye, but for inexperienced parents of first-graders, choosing suitable products can become a real problem. What criteria should you use when choosing school supplies for your child?

Practice shows that one of the most difficult issues for parents is choosing school clothes. Gone are the days when all students wore the same uniform. Today, even first-graders strive to look stylish and fashionable. Fashion designers meet them halfway, offering uniforms of various styles, styles and colors. However, do these fashion products always meet the needs and comfort of children?

“When choosing a uniform for children, parents do not always take into account the hygienic and medical requirements that it must meet,” says Galina Eremenko, senior researcher at the Laboratory of Hygiene for Children and Adolescents at the Ukrainian Scientific and Hygienic Center. “First of all, it should be remembered that a school uniform is not just an outfit, but work clothes in which a child has to spend six days a week. Therefore, the main selection criterion is comfort. From a hygienic point of view, a skirt and a sundress are the most comfortable for girls .Unlike a traditional dress, they can be combined with light blouses or warm sweaters, depending on the weather.Boys are recommended to wear a three-piece suit: trousers, vest and jacket.The fabric for the uniform should be from natural fibers such as cotton or linen for for warmer seasons, and wool or cashmere for winter. Using too much synthetic material can make clothing too stiff and also cause static electricity to build up. This can lead to discomfort in hot weather and cold in winter. The choice of uniform color is also important. Bright colors should be avoided and strong colors such as red or orange, which can cause aggression in a child. Black, on the other hand, can contribute to depression. The popular combination of black and white is only acceptable at parades and special events, as such a sharp contrast can negatively affect vision.

In addition to choosing a uniform, parents should also pay attention to the choice of backpacks and briefcases for their children. Backpacks should be durable, with comfortable, adjustable straps to ensure proper distribution of the load on the child's back. It is recommended to choose backpacks with compartments and pockets for convenient organization of school supplies. It is also important that the backpack is spacious enough to accommodate all the necessary books, notebooks and other items. When choosing a briefcase, you should pay attention to the quality of materials so that it is durable and reliable.

In addition, it is important to consider the conditions in which school clothes and shoes will be used. If a child will spend a lot of time outdoors or in conditions of active physical activity, then it is necessary to choose clothes made of breathable materials that will provide reliable protection from moisture and cold. Shoes should also be comfortable and suitable for active movements. It is important to choose shoes with good cushioning and support to prevent possible problems with your child's feet.

And, of course, we should not forget about the child’s personal preferences. It is important to involve him in the process of choosing school supplies and take into account his preferences and desires. Let your child express their personality through their choice of colors, patterns or designs. This will help him feel confident and comfortable in the school environment.

As a result, when choosing school supplies for a child, it is important to take into account comfort, quality of materials, seasonal conditions, child preferences and hygiene requirements. Contact specialists at stores that sell school supplies, they will be able to help you make the right choice and answer all your questions.