Hyphae (Gr. Hyphae - Tissue)

Hyphae are the threads that make up the mycelium of the fungus. Mycelium is the vegetative body of a fungus, consisting of branched threads - hyphae. Hyphae are responsible for absorbing nutrients from the substrate and transporting them throughout the fungal body.

There are several types of hyphae:

  1. Generative hyphae participate in the reproduction of the fungus, forming spores.

  2. Skeletal hyphae are responsible for the mechanical strength of the mycelium.

  3. Absorbing hyphae absorb nutrients from their habitat.

  4. Transport hyphae transport nutrients throughout the mycelium.

  5. Air-bearing hyphae supply oxygen to the tissues of the fungus.

The hyphae form a complex, branched network resembling tissue. Their intertwining ensures the functioning of the fungus as a single organism. Thus, hyphae can truly be compared to the tissue that makes up the body of the fungus.