Scientists call idleness dangerous to health

People who do not work for six months or more are at risk of developing respiratory, psychological and cardiovascular diseases. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by Australian scientists commissioned by the Royal College of Physicians.

Dr. Mary White, who led the research team, noted that lack of work can lead to serious health consequences. According to her, only by having a job can a person satisfy his needs for communication, be financially secure, have confidence in the future, drink less alcohol and take care of his health. Losing a job can lead to problems with low self-esteem, various diseases and bad habits.

According to the study, parasites are also prone to depression, all kinds of deviations and even suicide. Scientists give a comparison: lack of work has the same harm on the body as smoking ten packs of cigarettes.

Additionally, Dr. White notes that some people avoid work because they feel they can't find a good job or don't want to work in low-paying jobs. However, as scientists note, any work is better than no work. Work not only provides financial stability, but also helps maintain health.

Thus, the study showed that idleness can negatively affect human health. The best solution in this situation is to find a job that will satisfy your needs and promote health and well-being.