
Scrofula is a surgical pathology that is an inflammatory lesion of the lymph nodes of the anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Lymphadenopathy as a nosological entity, especially as applied to the neck, was unknown at the beginning of the 20th century. Today it is known that at about 50

Hidden heart defect: what is it and how does it manifest?

Scrofulosis “Scrofulosis”, “hidden defect”, “swelling of the cheeks” - these are just all the consequences of scophofulus. For a long time, doctors could not identify it, because it seems insignificant at first glance. This is a special manifestation of congenital aortic valve insufficiency. In the place where the heart valve exits into the thoracic region, a violent accumulation of fluid forms. The pressure in the artery becomes high. Pulmonary vapor can penetrate the subcutaneous tissue and even the cheeks and eyelids. Symptoms of a “hidden defect”: - Swollen eyelids, especially in the morning after waking up. - Dizziness and attacks of hypotension.