Secrets of Applying Powder

Secrets of applying powder

Powder is an indispensable element in makeup that helps hide skin imperfections, give it a matte appearance and improve its appearance. However, to achieve the best results, you need to know a few secrets of applying powder. In this article we will talk about how to use powder correctly and get perfect makeup.

  1. Let the creams absorb
    Before applying powder, it is necessary to allow creams (day and foundation) to be completely absorbed into the skin. If you apply powder to skin that has not yet been absorbed, it will look patchy and uneven.

  2. Cover your entire face with powder
    If you use powdered powder, be sure to cover your entire face. This will help create a softer and more delicate look.

  3. Powder around eyes, eyelashes and lips
    Powdering the area around the eyes, eyelashes and lips will help keep eye shadow and lipstick in place. Thanks to a thin film of powder on the eyelashes, they will look thicker.

  4. Powder the T-zone
    Dusting the T-zone (nose, chin and forehead) will help remove excess shine from your face. These areas contain a large number of sweat and sebaceous glands, so the skin in these areas is often shiny.

  5. Remove excess powder
    If you accidentally apply too much powder to your face, don't try to wipe it off with your hands or a powder puff right away. It’s better to use a brush without powder over areas where there is too much of it. You can also sprinkle your face with mineral water so that excess powder is absorbed into it.

  6. Never use a brush backwards
    Do not use a brush or sponge to apply powder with the used side. Sebum gets on the brush and sticks the powder together.

  7. Choose the right shade of powder
    If you don't use foundation, choose a powder that is the same light shade as your skin. Transparent powder is suitable for flawless skin, but does not hide imperfections. If you want to improve your face shape, then choose a light or dark shade of powder depending on your face shape.

  8. Apply a special napkin to mattify the skin
    If your skin often shines, use compact powder or a special paper napkin covered with a thin layer of powder and disinfectant. This napkin will instantly absorb excess oil and remove shine from the skin.

  9. Wash powder brushes
    Powder brushes must be washed regularly to avoid the accumulation of bacteria and microorganisms on them. Use a special brush cleaner or mild baby shampoo. Apply a little product to a damp brush, massage and rinse with warm water. Squeeze out excess water and leave the brush on a towel to dry. Do not dry it on a radiator or with a hairdryer, as this may damage the hairs of the brush.

  10. Don't overdo it with powder
    Do not overdo it with powder, as this can cause a mask effect and make your makeup look unnatural. Try to use a minimal amount of powder to achieve the desired effect. If you still apply too much powder, then go over your face with a brush without powder to remove the excess.

Using these tips, you will be able to apply powder correctly and achieve perfect makeup. Don't forget that every person has their own skin type and makeup preferences, so experiment and find your ideal option.