Sensitization Active

**Active sensitizing effect**

The human immune system recognizes antigens as foreign objects and begins producing antibodies to fight them. If the antigen is not removed from the body or the antibodies are not neutralized, active sensitization can result. Active sensitizing effect refers to the activation of cells that recognize the antigen due to the receptor interaction of the allergen with the cells of the immune system, which leads to an increase in the allergy reaction. Allergens can be toxic substances, metals, chemicals or herbal preparations. As a rule, after contact with the allergen, the reaction occurs within several hours. Symptoms associated with active sensitivity

Active sensitization is a state of immune response in which the body's cells begin to produce antibodies to an allergen that was previously unfamiliar to it. This may occur after exposure to a substance or organism that causes a hypersensitivity reaction.

The mechanism of active sensitization includes the activation of T-lymphocytes and their migration into tissues where antibody formation occurs. These antibodies then bind to the allergen, forming immune complexes that can cause an inflammatory response in the body.

Signs of active sensitization may include skin rashes, itching, sneezing, and runny nose.

Modern medicine offers various treatment methods that can cope with many diseases. However, often even modern methods are not able to solve a health problem forever. In this case, the solution to the problem comes down to blocking the symptoms. Active sensitization allows you to do this, relieve a person from constant exposure to external stimuli and prolong the remission stage. Today we will tell you more about this method of therapy.

With active sensitization, many drugs are used to block inflammation. These drugs may or may not be very potent. The main task of the immune system is to produce antibodies that