Serraciosis and its causes
Serraciosis is a disease that manifests itself in the form of skin rashes accompanied by itching. Serrasiasis is caused by a bacterial infection. It is worth knowing that serrasion is an infectious dermatitis and it is very important to start proper treatment on time if you are faced with this disease. What is acne, causes and how to treat acne?
Symptoms of Serrazion
* itching * rashes on the body or face * dry skin * deterioration in general health
If you notice these symptoms, do not waste time. See your doctor immediately. Self-medication should never be abused! Serrazion can be caused by various types of infections. Before treatment, you need to undergo laboratory tests prescribed by your doctor. Treatment is accompanied by the use of antibiotics depending on the nature of the disease.
Introduction. Serrazia is a complex and poorly understood disease that affects human skin cells. It has several varieties, each of which requires a special approach to treatment. In this article we will look at the main causes, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention of serratosis. We will also talk about the history of the disease and its impact on human health.