Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse is one of the most common types of violence against people, especially against children. It is a crime that leaves the victim with physical, psychological and emotional scars for life.

Sexual violence can occur in various forms, including rape, sexual harassment, exploitation, forced prostitution, pornography and other forms of sexual violence.

In most cases, sexual violence is committed by acquaintances or close people, such as relatives, family friends, teachers, coaches and other adults whom children trust. This can happen in the home, school, sports clubs, churches and other places.

Sexual violence has a serious impact on the life of the victim. They may suffer from persistent nightmares, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, communication problems and other psychological problems. In addition, they may become victims of repeated violence, as they are often unable to talk about their experiences due to fear or shame.

It is important to note that Sexual Abuse is not limited to only children. Adults can also be victims of sexual violence, especially in relationships where there are power imbalances.

The fight against sexual violence is an important task for society. It is necessary to ensure the protection of victims, provide them with the necessary medical and psychological assistance, and punish the perpetrators. In addition, prevention efforts are needed to educate children and adults on how to recognize and prevent sexual violence.

Sexual violence is a serious problem that requires immediate action. There is a need to support victims and fight this problem together to make society safer and more secure for everyone.

Sexual violence is abuse that can cause serious physical or psychological harm to the victim. In this article we will look at what sexual violence is, the types and signs of this violence, and how it can be prevented.

Sexual violence can occur in both community and family settings. This involves dangerous sexual activity that causes pain and harm to the victim.

The first and most common example of sexual violence is violent sexual behavior in a violent environment involving children under 18 years of age. Pedophilia is a specific type of sexual violence that includes violence against children. Adults or their trusted representatives in most cases are those who know the victims, such as family friends, relatives, teachers or health care workers. Pedophilic sexual abuse occurs in different forms, including psychological, physical and even virtual forms of abuse. Violations of children's rights include various crimes committed by adults, such as harassment and forced sexual acts. We are also talking about sexual violence against a child with adults. Systematic violations of children's rights can lead to irreversible consequences for the health of all parties, both adults and children. Society most often does not recognize sexual violence until it is committed primarily against a loved one,