Sexual Intercourse

Sexual intercourse

In order for a person to be born, it is necessary for the egg and sperm to meet and merge, that is, fertilization occurs, so that the egg attaches to the uterus (implantation) and turns into a fetus (pregnancy).

Sexual intercourse is the act through which a man and a woman are united and as a result of which fertilization occurs. A man and a woman are attracted to each other by instinct, desire and sexual attraction. In a man, desire is expressed clearly - in an erection, while in a woman it is less obvious, in a number of changes.

An erection can be caused by various forms of physical, mental or sensory stimulation that affect the nerve center located in the spinal cord. During an erection, the erectile bodies of the penis (corpora cavernosa, corpus spongiosum and glans penis) fill with blood, and the outflow veins close. The penis increases in size, straightens and becomes hard, allowing it to enter the vagina.

In a woman, under the influence of desire, blood flows into the vaginal area. Droplets of lubricating fluid appear on the walls of the vagina, which facilitates sexual intercourse. The vagina changes shape: the upper part becomes oval, and the lower part narrows to better embrace the male penis as it enters.

Ejaculation of semen occurs when the penis is erect, due to the powerful contraction of the muscles of the perineum. These contractions push the sperm accumulated in the seminal vesicles towards the beginning of the urethra and towards the outlet. Sperm is ejected in several jets of decreasing strength in the amount of 2-4 cm3 with each eruption, that is, from 100 to 400 million sperm, some of which are capable of fertilizing within a few hours after release.

Erection and ejaculation can occur unconsciously, during sleep: nightly eruptions of semen, frequent in adolescence, are absolutely normal.

Perhaps there is no other word that evokes so many different feelings and emotions in people - from hatred to awe or from horror to stormy delight. Among bisexual mammals, sexual intercourse (coitus) is the most complex method of reproduction, requiring a balance of many factors and mutual consent. The success of coitus depends on the efficiency of the synthesis of attractive odors, the presence of sexual experience and the relaxation of partners, as well as on the physiological and emotional state. Although even homosexual males may pay attention to sexual intercourse, the formal relationship within the partner couple largely determines its significance.

A lot of attention is paid to sexual intercourse, especially before its actual implementation. The role of the female genitals and reproductive organs seems to be very important for the development of true male sexual relationships. The emergence of new biological technologies, such as condoms, and the development of contraceptive methods have significantly influenced not only the frequency,